Chapter 27 - Give Her Space

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Nate's POV

Since Ember had left the tour in Manchester everything had been pretty quiet and the mood had changed.

When I got back to the boys after taking Ember home the other night, Levi tried to explain what had happened. I was so annoyed with him for hurting her and breaking her trust but I knew I needed to keep my promise not to fall out with him.

The two of us didn't speak much for a few days and I guessed he was letting me calm down a little before trying again after I'd completely blocked him out the first time he tried to. However, eventually he persuaded me to hear him out, and to be honest I'm glad I did.

"Hey bro" Levi said with a weak smile as he walked to the back seating area of the tour bus, where I was currently sat on my phone.

Drew and Austin were both on The Vamps bus putting some finishing touches on a song they'd been working on.

I looked up and gave him a smile.

"Do you think she's ok" He asked, sitting on the sofa opposite me.

He'd had a guilty look plastered on his face ever since the Manchester show.

I have him a look.

"I know stupid question." He responded.

"She's never gonna forgive me is she?" He then asked, holding his head in his hands.

"She's been through a heck of a lot Levi and she doesn't trust people easily. I know how much she trusted you and how much she told you about what was going on, more than she's ever told me." I spoke up.

"I know. Trust me if I'd realised who that girl was the other night I wouldn't have let her anywhere near me, in fact I'd have stuck her and her partner in crime in the first taxi away from the arena." He replied, obviously annoyed with him self for what had happened.

"One thing I know about Ember is that you just have to give her a bit of space and not to rush her into things. She'll talk to us when she's ready." I then said, looking down at the multiple times I'd called her and not got a response over the past few days.

"I just need a way to make it up to her, to let her know I still care. She's probably being put through hell by that Libby now." He then said.

"What exactly was going on with that girl. Ember didn't exactly tell me a lot." I asked him.

He took a deep breath before explaining.

The only way we were going to help Ember properly is if we both understood exactly what this girl was like and just what she was capable of.

I listened to every word he said carefully. The thought of Ember going through all of that everyday for the past few years on her own was beginning to make my blood boil. Nobody should be treated like that.

I could faintly remember her being best friends with someone called Libby when she was younger but the girl Levi was talking about sounded completely different. She wasn't the girl who Ember would have a teddy bear picnic in the garden with, or who she'd dance to Disney songs with.

Some of the words I was thinking of to describe present day Libby wouldn't be appropriate for the ears or eyes of anyone hearing or reading them.

By the time Levi had finished my hands were clenched into tight fists, my knuckles beginning to turn white.

"At least now I know what happened, why she doesn't trust anyone." I mumbled.

"I would have told you sooner Nate, but she made me promise not to. She didn't want you to worry." Levi spoke up, looking at me with a guilty look.

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