Chapter 26 - Lost And Broken

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Over the last few days the sight of my bedroom ceiling had become very familiar. I'd spent hours at a time laying on my bed staring up.

I had a ridiculous number of missed calls and messages from Nate and the other boys which, apart from telling him I was ok (as far as I could be), I'd ignored.

As for Levi, I'd blocked him out completely, not contacting him once since the night of the Manchester show.

I still could believe I'd been stupid enough to trust him and believe he actually liked me. I'd told him more than I'd ever told anyone, more than Nate knows.

I told him my secret and he goes and betrays me with one half of the duo that have made my life hell over the past few years.

My emotions were all a mix. Anger, frustration, sadness, betrayed, frightened. None in the jumble sale of how I had felt over the past few days good in the slightest.

I felt lost and completely broken.

"Ember sweetheart, come on you need to get ready for collage." My mum said as she knocked on my bedroom door.

I took the pillow from behind my head and stuffed it over my face as I lay on my back.

I was dreading going back and having to face them.

"Ember!" She said a little louder opening the door.

"Yeah I'm up." I finally responded, lifting the pillow again.

"Come on, I know you're still upset about the tour but at the end of the day, life goes on." She said cheerfully as she came in, pulling my curtains open, flooding my room with light.

I squinted at the sudden brightness.

"Come on or you'll be late." She then added as she walked back out of the room.

Going into Sixth Form today was the last thing that I wanted to do as I knew that Libby and Olly's triumphant smirking faces awaited me. Not to mention that she wasn't going to leave me alone now that she'd won. She'd only rub it in my face more.

Looking back now it's hard to know how and why I was friends with her in the first place. She wasn't the same person now as she was when we were little.

I sighed and kicked off my covers, knowing I'd have to get up at some point and even thought staying in bed for a little longs was very tempting, I'd rather being to my first lesson be the start to my day. Mrs Kings wrath was one nobody would want to feel.

After getting over  the most challenging part (getting out of my nice warm bed), I made my way over to my wardrobe, picking out a pair of black jeans, a random top and one of my old hoodies that had mickey mouse on the front.

I then made my was down the stairs, almost tripping over Arlo who was fast asleep on the stairs. At least someone doesn't have go leave early.

"Here you go." My mum said, sliding a bowl of cereal across the table as I entered the kitchen.

"I'm er... not that hungry." I replied, looking from the bowl to her.

"What's wrong?" She asked looking a bit concerned.

My mums one of those people who always talks about how breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

"Don't worry mum, I feel fine." I told reassured her.

It was true, I did exactly feel dizzy or anything but could feel nerves beginning to build about going back.

"Sweetheart..." She responded.

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