Chapter 28 - Won't Let Go

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I sat and stared at the ticket as it lay on my pillow.

It had been pushed through the letter box a few days ago, no note or anything attached just a single ticket to The Tide's Fanfest in Manchester.

The show was tonight at a small venue called Sound Control, just outside the main city centre of Manchester.

I knew where then venue was, it was where I'd first watched The Vamps back in 2013. That was back before everything with Libby started.

The ticket had sparked a battle between my heart and my head. My heart telling me to go but my head saying to stay well away. This had been happening over the past few days since the ticket arrived.

I didn't even know about the boys Fanfest tour until the day it came. Turns out that they were playing three other similar shows in small venues across the UK before The Vamps tour headed over to Europe next month. Manchester was the first city, followed by Glasgow, Birmingham and then finally London.

Don't get me wrong, I was really proud and happy for them, Nate especially knowing how one of his dreams growing up was to be in a band and have their own tour.

I just didn't know if I was ready for something like this yet, especially when I knew that they would play that song, the one that once meant so much to me.

I'd originally told my parents that I didn't want to go, saying that I'd much rather stay in and watch a movie or something but now I wasn't sure.

The clock was ticking closer and closer to the time that the doors were opening. There was only two and a half hours to go. If I was going to go, I'd have to make a move soon to make it in time.

I thought about Nate, my older cousin who I'd always looked up to and said that the day he played a headline tour, I'd be at the first show.

I imagines the disappointment on his face as he would look out, trying to spot me in the crowd and the realising that I didn't go. I couldn't let him down.

Plus, in reality it wasn't the whole band that had betrayed me that night, it was just one member. I couldn't go the rest of my life hating and avoiding my own family.

Drew, Austin and Nate had done nothing wrong.

After a further few minutes debating it, my mind was made up.

I jumped up from my bed and headed to my wardrobe, pulling out my dark denim jacket, black jeans, vans and a top.

After getting changed, a grabbed my phone and money from my bedside table, stuffing them into each of my pockets.

"Mum, dad I'm going out. I'll be home later tonight." I shouted as I headed down to the front door.

"Have fun honey." My mum responded from somewhere in the house.

She knew about the concert and must have guessed where I was going now.

After leaving the house I headed down the street, jumping on a bus and then a tram until I reached the centre of Manchester.

Sound Control was around a 15 minute walk from where I currently was so it wouldn't take me long to get there, which was lucky as doors opened in 30 minutes.

The restaurants, pubs and bars that I walked past were packed mostly with people that had either just finished a day of shopping or were going on a night out with friends.

As I trudged down the streets, avoiding puddles that were beginning to form as it started to rain. Typical Manchester for you.

Now wearing canvas shoes seemed like a pretty bad idea as my feet were becoming wetter by the minute.

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