Chapter 7 - Secret Told

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I had to admit, the last few days had been pretty good. Turns out the boys aren't as bad as I had thought and I didn't really have much to worry about.

After that day I spent with Levi watching Camp Rock I'd began to feel a lot more comfortable around them and really began to actually enjoy being here.

Even though everything Libby had said last week still lingered in my head I'd managed to contain it to the back of my mind and not let worrying about it take over me.

I'd warmed up quite a lot more to Drew and Austin over the past few days as well and Nate was right, they are all crazy but it's definitely in a good way. When they're together they're hilarious, it's like being on a day trip with a group of comedians or clowns.

My phone manically vibrated next to me on the bedside table.

When I reached over to look at the lit up screen, I saw I had a large number of new messages. Straight away I saw that they were from the same number as before, other wise known as Libby.

I cleared them all off my home screen, not even bothering to read them, knowing what kind of terrible words they would contain.

However more came through and I managed to catch sight of what some of them said.

I threw my phone to the other side of the room, it bouncing off the wall and falling out of its case.

'Cant believe they've not seen right through you fake, lying freak.'

'They're gonna realise how much of a sad, pathetic, lying attention seeker you are.'

'Time's ticking freak.'

'Time bomb's going to blow any day now'

'Oh and when it does, don't bother coming back here, nobody misses you. You may as well go live in a cave, nobody in the world would care, they'd be relieved.'

Why can't she leave me alone! I thought to myself, throwing my pillow at the wall in frustration.

Why does she feel the need to torture me, make me feel totally useless.

She reminded me constantly about her threat if I told anyone anything but I was becoming near impossible to keep it silent. I could do it anymore. I needed help. Someone to tell me it would all be ok.

I fought back the tears that had already began dripping down my cheeks.

I picked up my phone from the carpet before making my way to the door opposite. Hopefully he'd be awake despite it being pretty late.

He said he'd be there no matter what, that I could tell him anything and he wouldn't let anything bad happen. I hoped what he'd said was true, that he did care.

After knocking gently on the door I heard a voice from the other side saying to go in.

Slowly opening the door, I was greeted my the familiar friendly smile.

"Hey Ember" He greeted me from his position, leaning again the wall sat in his bed, laptop on his lap.

"Hey" I replied softly with a weak smile.

"You ok? You look down" He asked, looking slightly concerned as he gestured for me to sit down next to him, which I did.

"Levi..." I began as he pushed his laptop to the side.

"Hey what's up" He asked, noticing the tear marks on my cheeks.

"Y... you know how you said I could tell you if something was up..." I said, feeling slightly nervous.

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