3 The party begins

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Esther had been helping Scott with the party planning, Skyping him from Nashville in between running her kids to choir and soccer practice. He knew she wanted this to go well for him. When Scott grew anxious about menus and staff and details, he phoned her in a panic.

"Please come back to LA Est, I can't do this," he sighed, defeated. There was a month to go and he was feeling the pressure. He wanted her to just deal with it, like she always did.

"Scott, what did we agree? You can do this. I'll check in with the caterers if you deal with the florist and DJ. That's fair, now I gotta run and pick up the dynamic duo. Love you."

She smiled and blew a kiss, and he felt better. After making the call he meditated, and realised that she wanted him to own this. Esther calmly led him back from the brink, emailed him what he needed to know, but kept her hands off. She could have sorted it out in a heartbeat, that was her job, but instead she let him make his choices, like a real grown up.

Scott's reverie was broken by the doorbell again. The caterers were back to start setting up for drinks service, and the DJ was right behind them. Though Scott usually did party music himself, he wanted everything to be perfect for this party, and that meant being the perfect host. So he had agreed the playlist in advance, and told the DJ to take any requests as well. He didn't want his new album played. It wasn't really party music anyway.

Everything that could be agreed was written down, and when he looked through the final checklist he took a deep breath. It would be okay. Avi had come, and he still loved Scott, and he would help, and it would be okay. Kevin, and Kirstie, and Mario, and Candice were all coming, not to mention lots of his other friends, and it was all going to be okay.

The first guests arrived and were soon wandering round the garden clutching glasses of bubbly, but when Kevin and Taralynn came Scott greeted them with his widest smile. He hugged Kevin and didn't let go. Kevin wore dark blue, and he had a little more heft these days. To Scott he felt like solid ground, like nothing wrong could happen while he was there.

"Man, it's good to see you looking well," Kevin said. "Y'know Lynn's wanting to say hello."

Scott released his friend and held out his hand, but Lynn pulled him down to brush a quick kiss on his cheek. She was a petite woman in a cobalt blue dress with a friendly face, her glossy black hair piled in elaborate curls on her head.

"Hello Scott, we're so happy to be here tonight," she said with a smile. "We won't keep you from host duties, but we'll catch up later."

"For sure, thanks for coming all this way. You look fabulous, as always. Garden's through the kitchen doors, make sure to grab a cocktail."

Kevin took his wife's hand and they left, as more people arrived. Scott was busy greeting them all, when more old friends appeared. He was very happy to see Mario and his partner Julietta, Candice, Jake, and Mary arrive together. He smiled and hugged and accepted gifts which were piled on another hall table. People wanted to bring something, even though the invitations specifically said it wasn't necessary. 

Scott just wanted to surround himself with people and a joyful atmosphere, he didn't need any more stuff. Anything he could buy, he already owned.

He was about to go and mingle with his guests when someone entered the hall, obscured by a cloud of lilac and silver heart shaped and number balloons.

"Delivery for Scott Hoying," she sang.

He turned and glanced down at the feet of the newcomer. Those sky-high wedge heels and toned legs could belong to only one person. He walked towards her and parted the balloons with both hands.

"Happy birthday!" she shouted.

"Kirstie, darling!" He leaned down and kissed her, then took the box holding the balloon strings and placed it on the gift table. "Come here and give me a proper hug." He lifted her off the ground and swung her around, ignoring her protests.

"Lovely to see you too Scott, but don't make me dizzy. I didn't even get a drink yet."

He placed her carefully on the ground and for a moment he thought he might cry, as memories he had carefully put away came rushing back. But he closed his eyes and breathed in her perfume until he was able to step back. He kissed Kirstie's forehead. "I'm so happy to see you, you don't even know. Where's Jeremy?"

"He slipped into the garden while I made my delivery."

Scott was still holding both her hands. "God, you look amazing, beautiful, sexy as always. I missed you."

Kirstie wore a short, wine red dress that showcased her small, curvy figure, with dark blonde waves cascading over her shoulders, and glittering earrings that matched the rings on every finger. With her red lips curved in a brilliant smile, she looked every bit as beautiful as he remembered.

"Likewise," she replied. "Looking handsome and sexy as always. Let's go find the party, looks like your staff have the meet and greet under control." She winked, looped her arm in his, and they walked into the garden.


Hope you're enjoying this so far, I plan to update on Mondays in future. This is a short one, but lots more to come, and more drama too!

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