51 Don't you dare kiss me

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Good Monday morning everyone! More autumn colours, and more Scömìche for y'all to ease into the week. 🍁🍂

I hope the weekend treated you well and if not, let me upgrade your Monday. ✨🌸

Did you see Kevin with a friend's baby? Strong man + baby = 😍 (Scott and Avi: same)

Well Future Friends, visual album, is a creative triumph. In awe of our guys. *bows down before the queens*

(Still not over GUY.exe)

Now Scott and Mitch must weather chance encounters and sad goodbyes. Today's flavours: 👬💃🏾💥👨‍❤️‍👨😢🎁


It was the photo that did it. Scott and Mitch had a joint portrait taken at the Vanity Fair Oscars party, and it was shared endlessly by fans of Scott, Superfruit, PTX and Mitch to all social media.

Their colour choices stood out in a sea of men in black. But what stood out more was the obvious happiness on their faces, Scott's hand resting on Mitch's lower back and Mitch angled towards him. They were individuals who complemented each other perfectly.

The world went mad for Scömìche, together and individually. Mitch was bemused by a return to the kind of Twitter crazy he'd left far behind.

Then there was the delighted reaction of their friends and family, all of whom sent messages of congratulations. Mitch could not doubt how much they were loved. Everyone wanted to see them both, and everyone was disappointed to hear he was out of circulation after March third.

The reality was, he was leaving in a few days. There was no prospect of shooting a quality video in that time, but they squeezed in a visit to Endless Noise studios and recorded an acoustic version of one new song. In a throwback to earlier days it featured both of them and a keyboard against a black background. Mitch reveled in stripping the song down to its bones, and having Scott's smooth baritone to ground his vocals. It was like the old days of Superfruit, another homecoming.

They spooned in bed together that night after a long tiring day. Mitch thought Scott was asleep, and he tried to breathe away the distress he felt whenever he thought of leaving. He really wanted to make this film but right then the price seemed too high. His coming departure hung over them like a cloud.

"You're awake," Scott whispered.

"Can't sleep, thinking about stuff."

"I know, same."

"I don't want to go."

"You want to do this movie." Scott kissed his shoulder. "It's not so bad. Not like a world tour for practically the entire year."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Too tired to fuck. Shocker, I know."

Mitch wiggled his butt. "That's all I can manage right now but hold that thought."

"We're terrible."

"We're terribly tired. I still love you though."

"Turn round and say that to my face."

Mitch turned and threaded his leg between Scott's. "I love you, Hoying."

Scott kissed him. "Love you so much, Grassi. I kept it to myself-"

Mitch scoffed. "Hardly. Every time we fucked lately it was all over you." He kissed him, lips lingering. "I could feel it."

He had tried to deny what his heart knew without words. Scott could not conceal his truth in the bright afterglow of passion. Mitch pulled back, only so that he could sink again into eyes that held the sky and ocean and everything between.

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