45 Sweet surprise

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Hello lovelies, it's Monday again/already/sigh. Hope you had a good weekend and the coming week is decent. Here's your weekly dose of Scömìche, just what the doctor ordered! ✨💖

I hope Avi is refilling his soul camping out in nature and posts more beautiful pictures when he returns. He's spoiling us with his landscapes recently. Still can't get used to seeing only four members, but the new bass must be revealed soon.

I left you hanging last time but never fear, #soon is right here, right now. A fun chapter to make you smile, 100% angst free and full of 💥 goodness. Enjoy. 💋

Mitch came and sat right next to Scott on the velvet couch, a mischievous smile on his face.

"We can't talk like this." Scott moved a little.

Mitch moved closer. "Yes we can."

Scott edged away until he was up against the arm of the couch, and Mitch followed.

"Can't escape me now." He perched on one of Scott's thighs and stroked his chest.

"Babe please." Scott didn't want to push him away, but there was talking to do, and currently Scott Jr. was doing most of it.

"Please... what?" Mitch whispered in his ear.

"I cannot with you on my lap." He shivered as goosebumps raced down his neck and a fingertip circled one nipple. He swallowed a groan.

Mitch huffed. "You can do plenty, but fine."

He moved to the far end of the couch, turned his head away and crossed his arms.

Scott rolled his eyes. "Look, I need to talk to you without distractions, okay? Then we'll get dessert and you can sit wherever you like."

Mitch turned back, brown eyes wide and a half-smile playing on his lips. "Ooh yes, I like this plan better."

Scott shifted in his seat, already finding it hard to concentrate. Time to get on with talking while his brain was still mostly in charge.

"This is just an idea obviously, I want to know if it works for you. We'll see Mario on Friday and Candice is invited. I spoke to Avi today, and we need to let the others know."

"Did you? What did he say?"

"He was totally over the moon and he sends you his love." Scott grinned. No need to mention the other thing they discussed. "In fact he was so surprised he dropped the f-bomb."

Mitch giggled. "Naughty Avi. I'm really glad he's on board with us, although I'm slightly cross you did it without me."

"Sorry." Scott held up his hands. "I just had to tell someone."

Mitch's fond smile overcame his attempt to look angry.

"That's so nice. I'll tell Kirstie, she will be overjoyed and also unbearably I told you so."

Scott smiled at that. "Don't honestly mind. I'll call Kev and Esther."

"Maybe we should set up a group call or something, streamline it all." Mitch looked thoughtful. "You can start then I'll come in."

"That - could work."

"There was something else, actually." Mitch edged closer again, and Scott chose not to comment. Scott Jr. perked up.

"I have an invitation to the Vanity Fair Oscars after party at the end of the month and I - I wondered if you would like to be my plus one?"

Scott gaped at him. "That's very cool and also very public."

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