16 Happy hurts

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The morning after is full of goodbyes.

Scott woke in an unfamiliar bed, with an unfamiliar, slender arm thrown over his waist. His muscles tensed before he remembered. He'd run to Esther in the night for solace, his brain crammed with memories trying to escape their hiding places and unformed emotions warring with each other.

He relaxed, listening to Esther's steady breathing, then decided he should leave before she woke. The curtains blocked the daylight and he didn't know what time it was. He wanted everyone to have breakfast and wondered if there was enough food. There was probably time to go to the store, if he could get out of this wonderful warm bed.

When he woke again, he was alone. He opened the door, checked that the landing was empty, and slipped back to his room. One quick shower later, he went downstairs towards the smell of cooking and the sound of voices.

Organised chaos greeted him. His friends milled around in varying stages of dress, ranging from Saskia in a cream wrap and slippers to Kevin who was fully clothed. Jeremy was setting the long table, most of the cupboards were open as Kirstie hunted for food items, and the coffee machine hummed. Avi and Esther stood shoulder to shoulder at the stainless steel hob, cooking up a mountain of pancakes, bacon, eggs and frittata. Typically, only Mitch was absent.

"Hey Scott, sleep okay?"

"Morning Kirst, and yes I did thanks. Maple syrup is in the next one down."

"Ah, that's the only place I didn't look." She gestured to the table. "Sit down, the Kaplans are quite the double act in the kitchen."

"Anyone seen Mitch, it's ready," Esther called as she carried plates of food to the table.

"No, " Jeremy said. "I'll go knock on his door." He took off upstairs.

Esther clapped her hands. "Sit wherever, but get eating."

Everyone sat and filled their plates. Jeremy returned with Mitch, who murmured greetings and took the last seat, furthest from Scott. Esther passed Mitch his own little stack of gluten free pancakes. His smile of acceptance didn't quite reach his eyes. Scott chewed on bacon, wondering. Mitch obviously hadn't applied any concealer to his dark circles, and he looked younger, smaller somehow.

Scott turned his attention away from this scrubbed, bare version of Mitch and surveyed the scene. Saskia brushed a little bit of bacon from Avi's beard; Esther chatted to Mitch, drawing a real smile from him; Kirstie and Lynn talked across the table while Jeremy and Kevin concentrated on cleaning their plates. He noted the details, recording another precious memory for a future dark day.

He hadn't planned it, and it was perfect. He didn't have to chase happiness. He only had to open his heart and accept it, knowing it would pass like a beautiful butterfly alighting on his hand for a moment before flying away.

The food, the orange juice, and the coffee had never tasted so good. Scott stood and when all eyes turned to him, he felt a momentary flash of nerves. But happy faces calmed him, and he exhaled slowly.

"I know some of y'all have to run off soon for flights and such, so indulge the birthday boy for a moment. I'm no good with speeches but I want to say how much you mean to me. How much it's meant to have everyone here together, it's more than everything."

He paused, putting one hand over his heart. They all waited for him to go on.

"I've made mistakes and behaved badly. Fortunately I had Esther to send in the heavy mob. Kevin, I'm sorry I punched you. Avi, I'm sorry I called you those names."

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