17 Alone again

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After the last goodbye, it's  just Scott, a picture, and memories.

Scott and Esther cuddled for a long time on the sofa, until he felt able to excuse himself. He changed into workout gear and went back to the gym. He ran for miles, swung kettlebells, and finished with the punchbag. He punched until his arms burned and wobbled, then took a quick shower and went out to the hot tub. Twenty minutes later, he returned to his room and lay down in his underwear. His body had the soft relaxation that came after a punishing workout, and he used the heaviness of his limbs to ease into meditative headspace.

When the alarm went off he dressed and went to his office. More song ideas came, and he scribbled in his notebook before he lost them. He didn't want to impose any more of his overwrought emotions on Esther, so he decided to try reading.

He remembered a novel he'd started on a long-haul flight but never finished. When he pulled it from the bookshelf, a piece of paper fluttered to the floor. On picking it up, he realised it was a photo. Who even printed actual photos these days? Expecting it to be some ancient snapshot, he turned it over and gasped.

"Bailey," he whispered.

They were on the beach somewhere, holding hands. Scott's nose was pink from the sun, and they wore sunglasses and wide smiles. They looked happy.

Scott sat on the chair, holding the picture and holding the lid down on that box of memories by sheer force of will. He put the photo in the bottom of the desk drawer and walked out to the deck. He opened his book, and stared at the clouds.

He wasn't sure how long he had been sitting there when Esther approached.

"I don't want to disturb you," she said.

"You didn't." He put the unread book to one side. "What's it now, about three? Shall we go to the store, since I've been eaten out of house and home?"

"Good idea. You need everything."

"I'll cook tonight. Don't look at me like that, your brother the chef showed me a couple things. And I'll be back on salads for one tomorrow."

It was good to get out of his house and wander the aisles with Esther. He piled the cart with healthy options, and ingredients for the shrimp fettucine he planned for later. He also picked up more coffee, not the fancy Italian brand but it would have to do. He sneaked gluten free flour in there as well, and if Esther noticed, she made no comment.

Later, she sat at the breakfast bar with a glass of white wine and chatted while he cooked. She didn't offer any advice, and he found he was more than capable since Avi had taught him one end of a knife from the other. He piled the pasta on warm plates, finished it with chopped parsley and a squeeze of lemon, and presented one to Esther with a flourish.


"That looks so good," she said before trying it. "And it tastes heavenly. Avi turned you into a cook."

He took a couple of mouthfuls. "Hey, that's actually decent. He's a good teacher. Mind you, he's had years of practice with Acappella Academy, it really took off."

"Yeah, it's practically the only thing that gets him off that ranch unless he's touring, or collecting a Grammy."

"But he came for me." Scott stared at his plate and twirled fettuccine with his fork.

"He came when you were ill because I asked him. He stayed with you because he wanted to, and you needed someone. And we'd do it again, because we love you." She paused and smiled brightly. "Also, I need you to be well so I get my percentage."

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