33 December day out

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Hello dear readers! The Pact has been nominated for Best Angsty Fic in the Pentatonix Fanfiction Awards. Go vote for The Pact, and all your other favourite fics too. I don't expect to win, but I am happy to be in such good company.

I just did some voting here:   


Go on, show your favourite authors some love! It makes them produce even more stories for you to enjoy. 💖✨

(also: over 11k reads what the heck tysm)

Now, Mitch takes Scott out for a surprise. 

December flew by. Scott spent his time rehearsing, thrashing out details of the mini-tour with Neal and his management team, and keeping fit in the gym. He and Mitch exchanged a couple of texts, but he was so busy that suddenly it was Christmas next week and they hadn't really spoken.

His Christmas gifts for the children and select adults on his list were delivered to his house one by one and he had yet to wrap them. One evening while he stood by the kitchen table surrounded by boxes and paper and ribbon, the phone rang for an incoming call.

"Mitch, hi."

"Hi, just wanted to speak to you. Got a moment?" Mitch sounded calm, and Scott sat down on the couch.

"Sure, I needed a break from wrestling with tape and wrapping paper anyway. How are you?"

"I'm good, just resting before I go back to see Mike and Nel."

"Home for Christmas? Nel will be overjoyed to see you."

"I'm expecting the fatted calf, or something like that. Anyway, I wondered if you had time to meet before then? I know it's a busy time, and—"

"I can make time. Have something in mind?" Scott kept his tone light but felt his heart speed up.

"Actually, yes I do." Scott thought he could hear the smile in his voice. "Are you free tomorrow or Thursday? It's kind of a daytime thing."

"I can do Thursday."

"Great, that's really great. Eat a good breakfast and I'll collect you around eleven."

Scott chuckled. "Sounds mysterious. Should I be worried?"

"Of course not. You'll like this."


"Promise. I'll let you get back to wrapping gifts. They do that in stores, you know."

"I do know, but I like to add a personal touch by doing it myself, badly."

"Well, you do you. See you Thursday."

"Bye Mitch." Scott looked at the phone after the call ended. It felt strange to be talking with Mitch again after all this time, and his name on the caller ID still made his heart skip a beat. Whether it was from excitement or anxiety, he couldn't predict.

He returned to wrapping with enthusiasm. He really did like to do it himself, although his assistant might handle the mailing. Once they were done, he went to his office and started sending emails. He'd have to rearrange a meeting, but that was no problem. He had his priorities, and time with Mitch was definitely one.


Scott was ready when the doorbell rang on Thursday and he flung the door open with a wide smile.

The Pact  (Scömìche)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now