4 Important people

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It was a wonderfully warm evening. The sun slipping below the horizon painted the sky in fiery pinks and oranges, and fairy lights strung among the trees gave a magical glow. Around two hundred people wandered around or chatted in groups, the music was eclectic, staff made sure everyone had a drink and the photo booth was soon in use. A dedicated bar provided interesting cocktails. The pool was lit up and already delicious smells wafted from the kitchen. Scott grabbed another orange juice and circulated, while more people arrived and the garden and deck filled with laughter.

As dusk fell, the torches were lit and guests gravitated towards the buffet tables. Grilled beef and chicken, prawns and fish, rainbow sweetcorn, sweet potato fries, vegetable kebabs, salads and breads made a mouthwatering spread. Scott directed people with a smile, urging them to try everything. He mentally thanked Esther again, for ensuring that the catering was first class. She was a treasure he probably didn't deserve, and he was sad that she couldn't be there.

Darien was away for work, and then two days before the party their eldest son Elijah got sick. They had Skyped, Esther wringing her hands with regret and sadness about leaving him to host his party alone. Scott tried to be upbeat, after all family came first and she'd done so much for him already. But Esther was family for him, and he had been upset enough by this news to go and look at his drinks cabinet. After a few minutes staring at the malt whisky and fancy vodkas, he changed into his gear and ran ten miles at top speed until his lungs burned. Then he told himself that he accepted it.

Just then, Scott's thoughts were dragged back to the present by Kevin, shouting above the general noise.

"Look who's here, late as usual!" He cupped his hand and hollered. "Kaplans in the house!"

Scott turned and saw Avi walking towards him with a wide smile, holding hands with his wife. Saskia wore late pregnancy well, her cream and gold Grecian style gown off one shoulder and skimming the swell of her bump. Flat gladiator sandals and upswept black hair completed her look. 

Avi complemented her with his hair confined in a man bun, and a dark red shirt with the sleeves turned back, its open neck revealing chest hair sprinkled with more silver than his beard. Scott idly wondered whether he worked out, or if it was horse riding that kept his waist narrow and his legs strong in close-fitting black dress trousers. He smiled at Saskia and took her hands, kissing her on both cheeks.

"Hello sweetheart, hello, and I see you brought a plus one," Scott said with a wink.

Saskia laughed in reply. "Hello to you too, and yes, we're both here, oh and Avi of course. This is a fabulous place Scott, I expect a tour of your house and garden before we leave town."

"Thanks. You're so elegant, blooming beautifully."

"Oh, you're too kind. This is my last chance to party before the big event."

"So, so happy you're here. Let me find Kevin—"

Avi interrupted. "What am I, chopped liver?"

"No, no, come here." Scott pulled him into a tight, short hug and whispered in his ear, "You still smell so good."

Avi released him, shaking his head with a little smile. He murmured, "And you are still a flirt."

Scott took Saskia in one hand and Avi in the other and said, "Let's go, reunite the old meat and potatoes team."

"Haven't heard that name in a while," Avi replied with a grin.

As they approached Kevin, he jumped up from the bench he shared with Taralynn and came towards them.

"Saskia, you look stunning," he said, hugging her as if she were bone china. He kissed her hand and brought her to the bench. "Lynn is dying to talk girly things."

Saskia sat and greeted Taralynn, who accepted a kiss on the cheek from Avi before beginning an animated conversation with his wife.

"You're so late," Kevin said, "but I guessed the smell of food would call you over."

"I can only agree, but Saskia needed her rest, so. I'm here now and I'm hungry."

"Sure, put it here bro," Kevin replied, holding his arms wide for Avi to step into his embrace and close his eyes.

Scott watched, his throat tight, as the friends held each other, then spoke quietly, sharing a private joke probably. He was more than content, he was truly blessed to have all these good people around. They had always been there for him. He blinked rapidly, and was about to lead Avi over to the buffet when Kevin called out again.

"Look who's here! Come on over, girl!"

Scott could not believe his eyes as Esther ran towards them, dark hair flying. She jumped into his waiting arms and he lifted her up, squeezing her tight, while their friends laughed and clapped.

"You came. You came," was all Scott could say, and the tears that had been threatening finally spilled over. He set Esther down and sniffed. "Sorry, I'm just – but how? What about Elijah?"

"Scott, he perked up and my friend's babysitting like we agreed and I got a late flight and now I'm here." Esther dabbed at her eyes. "Don't make me ruin my make-up." Then she dabbed Scott's eyes as well, before gesturing round. "It's all too, too fabulous. Well done baby, you won't need me to arrange things for you any more."

"I will always need you. And you're my everything, look at you, in your little black dress and all."

Esther smoothed the fabric over her still slender hips. "Do you think so? I just grabbed whatever and ran, us soccer moms don't have too many fancy functions to attend so I—"

"Shush, you're gorgeous. Just take my arm and let's go show them how it's done."

Esther beamed, blew a kiss to Avi and said, "Later, brother." She strolled away arm in arm with Scott and her head held high.

"They make a lovely couple," Saskia said when they'd gone. "It's great to see Scott relaxed and having fun."

"You're so right," Lynn agreed. "Here comes our food."

Avi and Kevin made their way through the crowd, balancing plates and glasses on two trays.

"I've been saving myself for this all day. Let's go," Avi said, and they ate and talked as the stars twinkled overhead.

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