22 Memories unboxed

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What will our two sad boys do now? Time to reflect on past events...

Scott placed the note on the counter and stared at it. He had deleted every contact from Mitch, the messages that had started that same evening and kept coming every day since. He checked his phone, but there was nothing from Mitch that day. The flowers were the message. 

So was this goodbye? He hadn't said that, but it felt pretty final. He had no address for Mitch. He didn't know what his plans were, he could be gone for all he knew, off on another shoot or play or something. And Scott had not replied to even one text.

After a while, he rang Kevin. His stomach was unsettled and he couldn't risk showing his pale, sad face on Skype.

"Hey Kevin, how you doing homie?"

Kevin laughed. "Pretty good, you know it's great to hear from you. Lynn is still talking about the after parties and the sleepover, we had such a great time. So, how are you?"

"Good." He bit his lip. He was anything but.

"You sure about that? I'm listening."

Scott took a deep breath. "Kev, I need to ask how to forgive someone, because I tried and it all went wrong, and I just, I have to move on and I don't know how and I figured you could help..."

"Okay Scott, slow down. First of all, are you ready? Forgiveness is tough, but you know that. Second, why do you want to forgive? Obviously, I'm a great believer in it. But forgiveness is for the giver, so they can release their hurt and go forward with a lighter heart. It is a gift to yourself. Now, having heard that, you still want to try?"

Scot nodded and whispered, "Yes. I need to. I can't go on like this."

"You need to understand why they did what they did. That might mean talking to them about it."

"I don't know if I can do that."

"Okay. Then can you feel, in your own heart, how their actions arose out of their own pain? That don't make it right, no sir. But if you can make that connection, you're halfway there. If you can find a shred of empathy, they stop being a monster; you recognize they are human and flawed and somewhat like you. And forgiveness becomes possible."

Scott paused. "I don't think I told you, how much I appreciate you and your wisdom."

"I love you, man, I am always here for you. Believe it."

"I really do, Kev. I better go, got some thinking to do. Love to Lynn and the kids."

"You're in my prayers, Scott. If you need a verse to read, try Ephesians 4.32. Lord bless you and keep you safe."

"You too, Kevin, thank you. Bye for now."

Once again, Scott was grateful for the unfailing love and support of his friends. Just talking to Kevin helped him settle, because he was strength and safety. From him, Scott could learn to be a better man. He just didn't know if he had it in him. 

There wasn't a Bible on the shelves so he looked up the verse online, about compassion and forgiving one another. He took that thought and meditated for the first time in days, and when the alarm sounded a trace of calm remained. Keeping calm was the challenge.


It had all been going so well. Mitch enjoyed the dinner, and the music room was a treasure chest of delights. Scott was talking to him, even risking a little sarcasm, and it seemed as though they were on their way to relaxing around each other. And then he sang a song, and the sky fell on their heads. Mitch had just started to enjoy playing some music again, when he heard Scott say something and vanish, not answering him.

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