18 Composed and shaken

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Early update for the holiday weekend, enjoy!

Coffee, composing and coincidence for Scott.

Scott was quite famous, but LA was full of famous faces, from the mildly recognisable to true household names. His neighbours were like him; successful, hard working, driven people who enjoyed their rewards. He could sit in the local Starbucks and not be disturbed, and this was what he chose to do one morning.

Despite the falling temperatures of autumn, he sat with an iced coffee, designed to cool him down after a particularly strenuous workout. His notebook, pen, phone and earbuds sat on the table in front of him. He somehow felt he was intruding if he stayed at home on Tuesdays, when the cleaning service came. Even though the cleaners were very discreet and never came into the office when he was working, he still preferred to get away after his workout. When he had no appointments, the coffee shop was his local escape.

He put in his earbuds and pulled up Spotify, effectively insulating himself from his surroundings. He opened the notebook to a blank page and stared at it for a while. His mind buzzed so he switched off the music, keeping his earbuds in. Then he picked up the pen.

If you knew then how it would end

If you knew we'd crash and burn

How many tears we'd have to spend

All the bitter lessons we would learn

Would you still take my hand?

I have wept an ocean blue

I have bled a river red

I still don't understand

All the promises we made, I meant it

All the love I had inside, I spent it

Now we know how this story goes

And it finishes with grief

It's just another tale of woe

Yet somehow, I still believe

That I would take your hand

Kiss you by an ocean blue

Bring you scented roses red

To make you understand

All the promises we made, I meant it

All the love I had inside, I spent it

If I had my time over, I'd do the same it's true

Don't want memories without you

I know we didn't reach the promised land

But every life I live, I'll always take your hand

All the promises we made, I meant it

All the love I had inside, I spent it

Scott looked at the scrawled words. Some songs came easy, but they rarely poured out of him whole like this one had. He drained his now watery coffee, packed his things and left the coffee shop.

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