43 Lured

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Good morning sweeties! It's officially autumn/fall, and it's not even raining this morning so, result. Lots of nice autumn colours starting to show. 🍂🍁

I love all these pictures of Avi relaxing out in nature, it makes my heart sing. And FF is on loop, it's stunningly creative and accomplished and wow, these two are super talented.


Thank you all, so much. Thank you, regular readers who have kept faith with me week after week, making me smile with your comments. Thank you, new readers who are bingeing chapter after chapter and voting. Thank you, silent readers who don't comment but I know you're there.

To celebrate and show my love, look out for an extra update on Friday! 💋💋

Here's your weekly dose of Scömìche to start the week right. Our guys are so cute, sharing memories and a lil picnic. 👬💕

All the flavours today; angsty, fluffy, hot. Because of course, all that teasing can only lead to one thing. 💥


Scott cuddled Mitch on the couch for a while in silence while a film played and he paid it much less attention than the actual Mitch Grassi in his arms. They were relaxed and comfortable and perfect.

"It's late, we should go up. We don't have anything on tomorrow."

"Apart from the picnic."

"Apart from the picnic, which I have yet to buy."

"Poor planning."

"I wasn't certain you would say yes." He kissed Mitch's cheek. "Glad we cleared that up."

"Haven't seen Mario in ages."

"What about my party? You were both there then."

"I stole away like a thief in the night. Actually I was almost sick with nerves before that performance. Esther helped of course."

"She's my rock. I couldn't have done it without her."

Mitch nodded, his head against Scott's chest. "The Kaplans are good people. Avi was my saviour, once I decided to leave Luca."

Scott tensed at the name. He forced his jaw to relax. "Avi helped you out?"

"Yeah. I rang him one night out of the blue, didn't know who else to call. He told me to get on the next plane. I arrived in Oregon a freezing, destroyed mess. He wrapped me up in a warm jacket at the airport and let me cry on his shoulder. Then he took me to his house and installed me in the guest suite."

"Did he make you do horses?" Scott kept his tone light to cover the uneasiness bubbling in his chest.

"Jesus, no. I hid in my room and only came out for meals at first. Saskia showed me the creek and I used to watch the water go by and wonder where it all went wrong. Anyway."

Scott tightened his grip. "I'm sorry."

"What for? It wasn't your fault."

"Sorry you went through all that and I wasn't there for you."

Mitch shifted to look at Scott directly. "I could say the same to you. It's all connected, but it's all done now. Luca..." He cleared his throat. "Luca used to tell me you didn't care any more. You had Bailey and I needed to move on." He ended with a whisper, looking away.

"Luca was wrong about a lot of things."

Anger and guilt twisted hot knives in Scott's gut.

He clung to Mitch, sad for the time they had lost, sad for Bailey and the future they never had, sad because though he was happy now he'd come through fire and ice to get there. He had been forced to choose between his two loves, could not find a third way. He had two hands, why could he not have held on to both? And in the end he chose oblivion, and failed all three of them.

The Pact  (Scömìche)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now