30 Reboot

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OMG guys 8K??!?! Thank you all so, so much for reading this story that started as a tiny idea and now has reached 30 chapters with more to come! 💕💕

Will Scott let Mitch have his say? Will they start to close the distance between them? 

It's another longish one and the reason for the picture will become clear later. Enjoy.

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Mitch returned and sat down looking pale and uncertain. The dark smudges under his eyes were more pronounced and Scott wondered whether he had forgotten to apply his concealer, or if it had rubbed off. He didn't attempt to hide his bruised vulnerability.

"So what do you want to eat?" Scott waved a handful of menus.

Mitch took slow breaths. He fixed his eyes on his hands, clasped in his lap.

"I honestly don't know."

After a beat Scott replied, "Okay, let me just order something."

Once the call was made, he made fresh coffee.

"Drink up, you'll feel better."

Mitch took the cup. "I understand if you hate me, after all the trouble I've caused."

"I don't... I did, that's true, for a while. But I don't hate you now."

"I should go."

"You don't have to go yet. Eat first."

They sat in silence, drinking coffee, while the music played on softly in the background. Scott's heart faltered, battered by a storm of emotions and lacerated by sharp-edged pain long suppressed. He'd never wanted to relive their final row, but here he was, still alive. Mitch was back in his house, and he had said words Scott never expected to hear.

Scott watched Mitch's hand tremble with the aftershocks, watched his jaw clench and relax. He wasn't an angel, or a monster. He's just Mitch.

The pizza arrived and they ate at the kitchen table, with the pink roses close by. Scott finished first, and he poured Mitch a glass of white wine.

"What's that for?" Mitch looked up with startled doe eyes.

He's surprised. I recognise that look.

"You need it, go on."

"Okay but where's yours?"

"I don't really drink much any more." Scott refilled his water and sat opposite again.

Mitch sipped the wine and nodded. "Nice."

Scott watched him drink. He needed space.

"Let me know when you want that cab."

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