39 True story, true confession

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Hey there, happy Labor Day to my US readers. ☀️

Still trying to process the last concert bc I love Avi so much. I know he and PTX have great things in their future, and he even hinted they would sing together again. That would be AWESOME. 🌟💖

Now, back to our guys. Mitch opens up to Scott and it's intense. You may need tissues...💔

Scott lay on his bed, trying to empty his mind for a few minutes. Impossible. All he could think about was Mitch, and how he was going to undress with those dark eyes trained on him. He washed his face and brushed his teeth and used mouthwash and he couldn't really delay much longer. He dug out his longest, baggiest tee shirt and some sweatpants. Maybe Mitch would curb that sharp tongue of his and be kind.

When Mitch opened the door and gazed up at him, Scott's stomach did a slow flip. Mitch's hair was fuzzy on the sides, with a baby fringe. It looked soft.

"I'm here, let me in."

"Of course, welcome." Mitch swung the door open and Scott walked inside, almost tripping up on the stupid hotel slippers. "Careful."

Scott stood by the table feeling lost. Mitch sashayed over in a plain white fitted tee and dark red boxers, almost as if he was deliberately making this as awkward as possible. Scott saw what he already knew by touch, a body slender and strong. He was truly uncomfortable. It was one thing to do this in the dark, but quite another in daylight. He might reveal more than he was ready to show.

Mitch gave him the once-over with brows raised. "Surely you're not lying down in sweatpants? Only you're hot as hell in bed even without them."

Oh, you did not just say that.

He cleared his throat. "Of course not, they only get in the way."

The covers were turned back ready and Scott waited for Mitch to get into bed first.

Here goes nothing. He hooked his thumbs in the waistband and drew the sweats down in one swift movement. Then he picked them up and put them on the chair.

When he turned back, Mitch was watching him with a little smile that turned into a lip bite.

This fucker is trying to mess with me.

"Something wrong with my legs?" he asked, raising one for emphasis and turning it left and right. The tee shirt hid his torso and underwear, and Scott had no issue with his legs. He ran a lot.

"Only that they're not in this bed with me. Get a move on."

"Yes ma'am." Scott avoided Mitch's gaze and slid into bed behind him. "Don't make this weird."

"Just cuddle up. What happens, happens."

Scott hoped nothing was going to happen that he couldn't control. He inched forward. Their thighs touched. He tried to keep a gap between them. "You shaved your legs."

Mitch pulled Scott's left arm over his waist. "Haven't bothered for ages, but I like to sometimes." He meshed their fingers and sighed. "I got a reason."

Scott rested his head on his right arm and pulled Mitch as close as he dared.

"You're tense," Mitch said. He arched his back a little and brought his butt closer. "We're just two friends sleeping together and it's not the least bit gay because-"

"Mitch stop." He was glad Mitch couldn't see his face, or feel the heat rushing in his veins. As long as he didn't start wiggling about, he would be okay. Probably.

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