6 Make a wish

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"Make a wish, Scott." Esther squeezed his shoulders, gentle over the tremors in his body.

Scott watched Mitch through dancing flames of orange and yellow. He was burning, consumed by emotions he could not name, and yet he did not die. He blinked, took a deep breath, and wished as he blew out the candles. The cheers of his guests punctured the bubble and all at once he was back with them, smiling as cameras flashed and Esther breathed in his ear.

"Well done. I know this is a surprise." She patted his shoulder and he stood up, to be engulfed in a crowd of well wishers.

By the time the people around him dispersed, the impromptu stage was empty. Cake was being distributed and Scott found he really, really needed a drink. He grabbed a jug of water from the nearest table and drank from it. His throat had closed up, blocked by a heart that had leapt upwards and stuck out of place. He had to get away.

He looked around but saw only acquaintances, not the faces he wanted to see. He strode back to the house and then fled upstairs to his bedroom. There, he splashed cold water on his hot face, stripped off his clothes and lay on the bed in his underwear. His chest rose and fell erratically and he gulped air. 


Mitch was here, in his house. He needed someone. He needed Esther, or Avi, or Kevin, to hold his hand and anchor him, and everything would be okay again. As thoughts tumbled through his brain, he heard a soft tap on his door. He turned away and curled into a ball.


He didn't answer, instead grabbing a fistful of pillow and stuffing it in his mouth. Words were useless.

"Scott, turn over. You can keep your eyes shut, but turn over." The voice was soothing and deep, and very calm.

Scott turned and lay on his back, then felt the bed dip. Avi sat next to him and took his hand, interlacing their fingers loosely.

"Breathe with me. In for two, out for four. I'll count."

He listened to the voice counting patiently, and found himself joining in.

"Okay, good. Now let's try four, three, eleven. In, hold, out."

Gradually his heart returned to his chest, shock and panic dissipating with each breath. Avi's hand holding his was too big, but it was warm, and safe, and when it seemed like he might let go Scott clung on. He gripped Avi's hand and felt him respond, matching his pressure, keeping him afloat.



"Don't leave me."

"I won't."

"Thanks, I - I just need a minute."

"It's okay."

"Did you, did you know?" Scott's voice sounded small and hoarse in his own ears.

"Yes, but tell you what, let's talk about that tomorrow, okay? We thought you were ready, and he wanted to come."

"Mitch... he asked you?"

"He did and I promise, I'll tell you all about it over the grill tomorrow. Deal?"

Scott paused. His brain was stuffed full and empty at the same time. "I'd better get dressed."

He got up and went into his closet, emerging in a white V-neck tee and jeans. Avi stood up and for a moment they looked at each other. Avi raised an eyebrow, waiting for a reply.

"Sure, let's meet for lunch, just us five. Like the old days."

Scott exhaled and mustered a smile. He checked his hair in the mirror, straightened his shoulders and followed Avi back out to the party.

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