53 My favourite part of you

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Good Morning Lovelies! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving holiday if you celebrated, and a great weekend if you didn't. 😊

Hope you enjoyed my lil Black Friday special. 💖✨

But first - can we talk about model Scott Hoying? Bc damn. That boy is on 🔥🔥🔥. Loving the pictures so so much.

And second - can we talk about my darling dragon boy Avriel and his 🔥 sky? Bc wow. Adore his landscapes.

Then there's Mitch, Kirstin, and Kevin all blessing us with great content. We stan only the best. 💕

Now, back to your regularly scheduled Scömìche. Homecoming and a heart-to-heart.

Today: 😞😘💥👨‍❤️‍👨

The days went by. Mitch learned his lines, read books, and texted with Scott each evening before falling into bed. The weekend after Scott's visit the production decamped to the Canadian wilderness and a basic but friendly hotel. He shared a trailer on location with a woman who was mercifully quiet behind the thin dividing wall. Noise cancelling headphones insulated him from the world when he wanted to escape.

Mitch despised roughing it, but he didn't complain to anyone at work. He figured that if he ever made it to principal status he could bitch about everything. Until then he sucked it up. At night he fell asleep wearing the red and black flannel that smelled faintly of Scott.

On his day off he spoke with Scott. The massager proved a discreet fun way to maintain a connection. It was a lot quieter than Mitch himself, and he muffled his cries with a pillow when he had Scott in control of the vibe patterns and his voice in his ear, low and urgent.

After two weeks on location he was over it. Mitch made a mental note never to agree to work so far from civilisation again. At this point Scott told him to open the big envelope marked 'NOT YET'. Inside he found smaller envelopes numbered from 1 to 30, and two marked 'in case of emergency'. More than one for each day left of filming. He was quietly proud of holding out that long.

He opened the first one while on the phone with Scott. Inside was a photo of them as young boys grinning into the camera. On the back Scott's neat script read I'm glad I met you. Mitch completely agreed with that, smiling at the delightful man that boy had become. It was the perfect starting point.

Mostly he opened one envelope before starting work, sitting with coffee and music in a calming ritual to begin a long and often trying day. There was a mix of photos through the years and postcards from their recent trips; the Space Needle in Seattle, Bloedel Gardens in Vancouver, Harry Potter World. The messages written on the back varied, but all were signed with a heart.


Remember this?

You slay queen

You are my angel

I miss you more

Can't wait to see you

I love you always

Inevitably a really bad day happened. After a restless night of poor sleep, he hung around all day in case he was needed. His call never came. The director was ill tempered and demanding of the co-stars. Their pivotal scene needed so many takes that they lost the light.

Mitch screamed internally with frustration. He got wet in yet another rainstorm. There was no decent gluten free option for dinner and he ended up with an omelette. Again.

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