37 Seattle day into night

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Hello lovelies, happy Monday. The Great American Eclipse is TODAY ( yes really, I got it right this time. ) ✨✨

See it if you can, but protect your precious eyes.

Ordinary sunglasses are NOT enough. 🌞🌑✨

On top of that, I bring you such cute Scomiche sweetness, it might give you cavities. 

Oh and The Pact was runner-up for Best Angsty Fic... thank you, thank you to every single reader and voter. You warm my heart. Congratulations to the other winners and runners-up. My faves were among them, so I'm happy either way! 💖✨

Mitch groaned. Please stop that noise. But it didn't stop, so he rolled over and grabbed his phone, almost dropping it. After a moment he focused on the screen, and sat up straight despite his headache.

S: Mitch

S: Mitch wake up

S: Can I come in?

S: Mitch Mitch Mitch Mitch c'mon

He shook his head. No, the messages from Scott were still there and this wasn't a dream.

M: yes what? It's too early

S: can I come in?

Mitch sighed. His mouth was sandpaper dry and scratchy, and he certainly wasn't fit to be seen.

M: Nope too early. Let me get dressed first

S: no no no nope let me in now

What in the actual hell? He rubbed a hand over his face.


M: okay but I'm not ready

S: open the dooooooooor


M: gimme 1 minute


Cursing, he hopped out of bed, pulled on the hotel robe over his boxers and rinsed his face and mouth with cold water. He avoided his reflection.

"This better be good," he muttered as he stumbled over to the door and yanked it open.

"What the f—"

"Good morning!" Scott beamed at him.

How was he dressed already? And where did that trolley come from?

"I brought breakfast." He gestured at the covered dishes, and the smell of coffee hit Mitch's nostrils at the exact moment he decided that he was still dreaming.

"Is this real? Are you for real?" Mitch stood aside and Scott rolled the trolley inside, still grinning.

"Very much so. I got a bit of everything because I wasn't sure, but I guess coffee is first on your list." He uncovered dishes of fruit, yogurt, granola, scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes and toast.

"I'm glad you opened the door, food was getting cold." Scott poured coffee and Mitch sat on his bed, open-mouthed.

"You – I – what?"

Scott pressed a cup into his hands. "Drink, and you might be able to make a full sentence."

Scott started on a bowl of yogurt and fruit, an amused expression on his face. Mitch drained the coffee in one swallow. He poured another and fixed a plate of toast, eggs and fruit, then sat at the table opposite Scott.

The Pact  (Scömìche)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now