49 It begins with wine and roses

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Hello lovelies, happy Monday! 💖

It's a beautiful frosty morning here, winter is around the corner. ❄️

Welcome to another tasty slice of Scömìche to start the week on a good note.

(Still not over GUY.exe) 

Okay so this is super long, and you are going to love it because Mitch moves in and... well, read on to find out. 

Today's flavours:  😨🏡🌹🍷🍓💥💞


Scott greeted Candice with a huge embrace at her studio the next day. Rails of clothes lined the walls and high windows flooded the space with light. Full length mirrors stood in each corner and back to back in the centre of the room.

"Hello, darling. Are we forgiven yet?" He let go but caught both her hands and kissed one.

She peered behind him and pointed at Mitch, who was sipping coffee and looking innocent. "Maybe, but that boy there held out on me and I shall not soon forget. Rude."

"Honey, your face was a picture." Mitch arched a brow. "In fact I wish I'd taken one."

"Hmm." She gave him a stern look. Mitch gave her a brilliant smile in return.

"Well Scott, let me see you."

He slipped his leather jacket off, revealing the long sleeved blue tee shirt Mitch bought him for Christmas.

Candice walked around him. "Like the tee, Alejjo is it?"

"Picked it up in Munich," Mitch said, smiling at Scott.

She nodded. "That figures. Very nice lines as always Scott, you've been working out I see. We'll need to accommodate those shoulders, but I have some ideas."

Scott stared into space and tried to forget that two people were appraising him closely. It was just a fitting, he'd done this many times.

"You two are going to steal the show, I guarantee it. You're disgustingly cute together, we just need to accentuate that."

"Scott is perfect arm candy." Mitch put his purse and denim jacket on a chair. "Let's see what you have for us."

The fitting flew by with lots of laughter, and by the time both Candice and Mitch were satisfied it was past lunchtime. Scott only half-listened to them arguing some minor point of style while his brain hummed. So much depended on getting this event just right.

In the car afterwards Scott concentrated on traffic. He jumped when Mitch put a hand on his thigh.

"You always look wonderful, babe. Strong and handsome and so masculine, I could eat you up at any given moment."

"Yeah?" He didn't take his eyes off the road. "Thank you."

"You need to believe in yourself. I do." He squeezed the thigh and let go.

"Ten days until the party, so I have time to get into better shape. I can—"

"Stop, Scott. Just stop. You look fabulous in anything. Or in nothing." Mitch trailed his fingers up Scott's inner thigh and he swallowed.

"Don't, don't distract me when I'm driving."

"Okay but just know that Candice loves to dress you. You're her own personal Ken doll because everything looks great on you. You're blushing but it's true."

"You're the fashion model Mitchy, not me. I like to keep fit, and tour's coming." His cheeks were hot and he was glad not to have to make eye contact.

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