23 Escape to the country

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Scott decides to get away for a while.

Scott stood at the carousel waiting for his case. He wore a dark blue down jacket to cushion his soft California skin from the cold winds of late autumn in Oregon. When his luggage finally arrived he strode out through the crowds, looking for his friend. There were any number of bearded, beanie wearing men in plaid, but only one waved and called his name. They shared a brief hug before heading off to Avi's truck.

"Scott, great to see you."

"It's kinda cold here."

Avi laughed and slapped Scott on the arm. "This ain't cold, southern boy. But the fire's made and the heating's turned up for the baby, so you should feel right at home."

They chatted about weather and snow, and soon arrived at the ranch. At the top of a long wooded drive, the trees split to reveal a large house with a brightly lit entrance to the main two storey section. Single storey wings stretched out either side, surrounded by fields under a clouded sky. The land sloped away to the west, and as Avi drove round the curve towards the garage Scott glimpsed more outbuildings that he guessed might be the stables.

No sooner had they entered the house than he heard the patter of running footsteps. They just had time to hang their coats before the shouting started.

"Daddy, daddy's home!"

Two children came flying to meet Avi. Isaac had a head of dark curls like his younger sister, and he had brown eyes whereas Kaela's were hazel green like her father.

"Hello, hello, I missed you!" Avi knelt down and they jumped on him.

"Silly daddy, you were just here," Kaela said.

"I still missed you." He kissed them both and gathered a child up in each arm, then stood and turned to Scott, waiting behind him. "Say hello to uncle Scott."

They both smiled and then hid their faces in their father's chest.

"They're a little shy."

Scott nodded. "You don't remember me, but I met you when you were little," he said when Isaac peered out at him.

"I'm a big boy now."

"You sure are."

Avi grinned and they walked through to the main living area.

As promised the fire blazed away in a woodburner, with a river rock chimneybreast that reached the high ceiling. Wood was in evidence everywhere, as Scott expected, but the furniture was far from rustic. The gable end wall was replaced by glass, overlooking a breathtaking view of countryside with distant hills. Everywhere was bright and airy, with touches of colour from couches and throw pillows.

"You like it?" Avi put down the wriggling children and they ran off to play.

"Wow." Scott walked through the space and flopped down on a couch. "This is some log cabin."

"If Sas hears you say that, you're in trouble. And I won't even try to protect you."

"You'll have to give me the big tour, but first I must see her and Shira."

"Sure, come on up. You're sure about staying in the house? The kids can be noisy."

Scott grabbed his case. "Absolutely. I want to be where the action is."

"You might regret it later, but we'll see. This is yours." Avi tapped on the first door upstairs. "And here's the nursery, next to our room." He knocked on the door.

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