19 Cold water, hot water

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Scott and Mitch are preparing for a big night. Waiting is the hard part.

Ready to get inside Mitch's head at last? Here we go...

Scott found the number he wanted.

"Hey Scott, how you doing?" The deep voice was immediately comforting, as always.

"Hey, Avi. I'm good, how's my goddess getting along?"

"She's wonderful, tired of course. She thinks she might not last till the due date, so the moms are on standby."

"Are you ready, for another baby I mean."

"Well this one was a bit of a surprise, but a very welcome one. I always saw myself with three kids, and we've had two to practise on."

"Yeah, you must be experts by now." Scott paused, then went on. "Got a few minutes to talk?"

"Yes, I'm free. What's on your mind?"

"I ran into Mitch in Starbucks. And I invited him over tomorrow."

"Great, that's good."

"Is it?"

"I assume you didn't run away screaming or pass out like you thought you might."

"No." Scott remembered feeling trapped in the coffee shop, and how seeing Mitch scrambled his brain.

"I wrote a song. And I'm not sure if it's about him, or Bailey, or what."

"Does it matter?" Avi asked. "It's about what's in your heart, and you don't have to share it, now or ever, if you're not ready."

"Don't know that I am ready, to meet Mitch I mean."

"If you weren't, you wouldn't have asked him. Maybe it's fate that you two met that day." Avi cleared his throat. "He's been asking about you for a long time. Only you can decide what to do, but take it slow, okay? I see how you still feel about him—"

"What do you mean?"

Avi's tone was gentle. "I watched you together, remember. You want to get closer, but you're afraid. Just have faith in yourself. We all love you, and Mitch too. But if he messes up, he'll have to answer to me."

"Wow. Thanks dad."

Avi chuckled. "That's me. Play it cool with Mitch and keep your song to yourself. When it's time to share, you'll know. And I'd love to hear it then."

They chatted some more, and after ending the call Scott felt a lot happier. Still, restless excitement built until he decided to hit the gym for the second time, hoping to find relaxation.

While he ran, his mind slipped away from physical sensations. The steady beat of feet on treadmill became the beat of a heart, and memories spilled out. Happy sunshine days, grey evenings sitting at silent tables, red-rimmed eyes and black despair. On and on he ran, towards Bailey and away from Mitch, and back again. 

Sweat stung his eyes, and his heart was pulled so many ways, it hurt. That was the signal to stop, and he comforted himself with a warm shower, soft sweatpants, ice cream and an old movie. Staying away from the past was exhausting, and he got into bed praying for sleep without dreams.

The next day, Scott attended various meetings about promotional appearances and a new contract for social media management. He concentrated on taking notes and keeping his thoughts on the matter in hand. Finally he escaped home, where he drank water for the mild headache that hung around his temples. Restless, he wandered around the kitchen and then went outside.

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