25 Music, Mitch and Kirstie

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In honour of 5K reads (WOW) and the end of the UK election, have an early update! 😘

While Scott makes beautiful music with Avi, Kirstie offers Mitch some support.

Avi took Scott to the music room after lunch. Guitars, banjos, banjitars and other stringed instruments Scott barely recognised hung on the walls and filled floor stands. Gold and platinum discs and awards hung over shelves with Grammys in one corner. Scott counted fewer than he had at home, but still an impressive collection.

At the far end stood a baby grand piano, its glossy pale wood finish complemented by black legs and trimmings.

"Wow, look at that piano."

"A present for Sas. She fell in love with it. Told me it fits the décor, but whatever."

Scott clenched and unclenched his fists. "Mitch played my piano and sang that song, and I thought I was going to die."

He looked over to his friend. "I want to forgive him, Av. Spoke to Kev about it, but it's hard, it's very hard to do. I just wanted..."

Past the piano, tall windows framed a view of trees. Scott's gaze slipped away to the sky, cloudy again. Mitch was out there somewhere beyond reach.

"Let's do something," Avi said. He picked up a black guitar and pulled up a chair near the piano. "I see your fingers twitching, so sit down and play." He strummed a few chords.

Scott sat at the piano and played some scales to loosen up. The piano had a beautiful warm tone, and he began to sing.

Come take my hand and walk with me

While gentle breezes shake the trees

We'll lie in fields of ripened gold

Entwined until the sun grows cold

As long as there are stars above

And forever after, feel my love

Avi joined in, contributing an intricate bass line to his own song. When Scott ran out of lyrics Avi took over, and they spent some time exploring the melody. The simple joy of jamming with someone who knew him so well was balm to Scott's soul.

They moved from one theme to another, and Scott brought some of his new lyrics to the party. Playing around with a different partner sparked new ideas, almost too many to capture. They scribbled words on paper, recorded bits of melodies, and lost themselves in their music. It recalled a past filled with happier memories.

They hardly noticed Saskia come in, with mugs of coffee and Shira snug in her sling.

"Having fun, boys?"

"Hey babes." Avi got up and kissed his wife's cheek. "Sorry, we lost track of the time." He stroked Shira's back and kissed her head. "I'll come back now."

"Don't be silly, I see you're getting into it and I can manage. Jo is bringing the kids back, so relax."

She looked over at Scott. "How do you like my piano? It's vintage."

"Beautiful, is what it is. I love my Steinway, but this is real nice." Scott played a run along the whole keyboard with a flourish to end.

"So, enjoy. I'll call you when it's time to eat."

Avi kissed Saskia again and drank some coffee. "Scott, that chord progression in the first chorus, what do you think of this?" He picked up his guitar with a grin.

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