27 Goodbye, hello

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Well, here we are with an early update just for all my lovely readers!

To those who have voted for this story in the Fanfiction Awards, 😘😘😘 TYSM and I love you a whole bunch lot!!

To those who haven't yet, I still love you. But I'll love you even more if you vote here https://www.wattpad.com/391570991-the-pentatonix-fanfiction-awards-2017-open

To everyone, enjoy! 💖🌸

On Scott's last morning, he got up with the children and they all had breakfast together. He smiled brightly when Isaac begged him not to go, promising that he'd return.

Kaela clung to his leg. "Sott, Sott, stay," she wailed. Avi peeled her away but she continued to cry in his arms.

He ended up riding along when Avi took them to kindergarten. In the excitement of seeing their friends, the children went off quite happily. Scott had to bite his lip and arrange his expression into something upbeat. It was what they needed. He was quiet on the way home, and Avi turned on the radio to fill the silence.

They drank coffee for the last time in the kitchen, and Scott checked the time.

"Relax, I got this," Avi said. "Why don't you go up and say goodbye to the girls?"

Scott tapped on the nursery door and went in. Saskia had just finished changing Shira, and Scott watched them smile at each other with a faint ache in his chest.

"Could I?"

"Of course, there you go." Saskia handed him the baby.

He cradled Shira in his arms and babbled to her. She smiled, and it was like the sun coming out. "Bye, baby girl. I'll miss you." He kissed her forehead and gave her back.

"Thank you for everything, Saskia."

"It's been our pleasure, Scott. Avi loved making music with you, the kids adore you too." Saskia settled the baby in her basket, then turned to embrace Scott. "It will be your turn one day."

Scott wanted to believe that. "She's so beautiful."

Saskia rubbed his back. "Come back soon. I'm useless at airports, so I'm staying here. But you gotta come back, now you know Juno, she wants more apples from you."

He released her and kissed her cheek. "I've had the best time. Who knew a log cabin could be so fabulous?"

"Off you go, before I forget why I like you."

He walked away with a smile, and one last glance at the moses basket.

Back downstairs, he picked up his bag. Time to leave this place that was everything Avi had promised. He'd found a sanctuary, a place where he could be part of something real, and he was going to miss it. The men talked about this and that on the way to the airport, and when they reached the gate Scott squared his shoulders. He was a grown man and he certainly could not be crying in public.

"I've loved every minute."

"It's been great having you here. We have those songs to finish, and I'll be in touch. Look after yourself." Avi embraced him.

"Thanks for everything Avi. Means more than I can say." Scott nodded and walked briskly through the gate. He hated goodbyes.

Some hours later Scott shut the front door behind him with a sigh. His house was spotless and silent, but still familiar. He turned the heating on, made coffee and went upstairs. His back felt a little tight after travelling and he stretched till it popped. He wondered about calling his chiropractor, but decided to wait. He'd see how he felt after a workout or two.

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