42 Quick, quick, slow

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Hello dear readers! It's a grey and miserable morning in England. But fortunately, here's the next episode of Scömìche to brighten this dreary Monday. I wish you all strength to meet the week's coming challenges. 💚

Are you reading the one-a-day September drabbles? I didn't have the energy to do it as well as write this, but there are some fantastic stories for #SePTXCC17. Go check them out and show the authors some love for their wonderful creativity.✨💕

As for these two men of ours, they're making a song and dance of it. Read on to see how that plays out and remember, when they get together, 💥 happens. 

It was the best Sunday Mitch could remember for a very long time. Scott drove him back to his apartment for a change of clothes and then they returned to Scott's house, Starbucks in hand.

Laughter and music filled their day until they found themselves sitting on the music room couch in the late afternoon, talking about a verse that stubbornly refused to resolve itself.

"It's a bit hackneyed though, can't we find another way—"

"There's only so many ways to say it, and it's better to keep it simple." Mitch grabbed the pencil from Scott, and scribbled on a sheet that was already covered in alterations, asterisks, and arrows.

"Closer baby, bring it here, want you baby, want you near. Or something, I don't even know." He sighed. "Maybe we should take a break."

Mitch looked up and found Scott watching him intently.

"Closer baby, bring it here," he sang softly.

Mitch put the pencil down and sang the next phrase. "Want you baby, want you near." He kept eye contact with Scott while he stood up and pushed him gently against the couch, then climbed on his lap.

"Make me feel it, do me right." He settled his legs either side of Scott's thighs and hands on his shoulders. They were very close now, and Scott did not move, his hands resting beside him.

Mitch placed his lips on Scott's ear and rocked his hips forward against a bulge that matched his own. He ground their cocks together until a little moan escaped Scott's mouth, and breathed hot air over his skin.


Mitch pulled back and took in the sight of Scott laid back against the couch, eyes closed and biting his bottom lip. He turned his head to one side and Mitch dotted wet kisses on the pale skin and nipped the base of his neck until Scott was a panting mess.

"Keep me coming till the morning light," he sang against his ear, dropping into his lower register.

"Jesus, Mitch."

Mitch kept his rhythm going, even as he turned Scott's face toward him and devoured him with the deepest, filthiest kiss, tongue-fucking him in time with each thrust until he was about to burst into flames.

Eventually he had to come up for air. "Aren't you going to touch me?"

"Do you want me to?" Scott bit his lip, eyes still closed.

Mitch giggled. "Dry humping you is fun. But I wanna get wet so yeah, touch away."

Scott opened his eyes and Mitch shivered at the hunger he saw there.

"I'd happily bend you over this couch right here."

Mitch nodded. "Duly noted."

Scott closed the distance between them, sucking Mitch's bottom lip and squeezing his thighs and hips before pulling away. "Upstairs, now."

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