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Hello babes. Gonna begin with 2 serious things, you can skip to the **** to miss them.

Just want to say first of all, love to anyone affected by the tragedy in Las Vegas. There are no words.

Second of all, if you are desperate please, please, reach out. There is no shame in asking for help. It's hard, but better than doing something you can't take back.

In the UK Samaritans are always ready to talk, call 116123 free. In the US, 1-800-273-TALK. Put the number in your phone now.

Elsewhere in the world, a list of suicide helplines is here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines

You are precious, you are loved, your life means something, even when you doubt it. 💙

(And my inbox is open if you want to message me.)


So, on with the story, hopefully a little light in a dark world. ✨

I promised y'all an extra update for being awesome readers, and here it is! Happy Friday 💖

Scott and Mitch wrestle with the past, and my beloved Avriel gets a surprise. Giving you feels today.

(ps. somebody told me that Mitch was actually at El Matador beach this week and fact and fiction collide and I'm 🙀 bc what if something else in my story came true?? this is too much power...)

( on the other hand if it does I'll be 😻)

Scott woke early the next morning and took the chance to admire Mitch's soft lips and dark lashes as he slept. He didn't kiss him, instead tangling their legs together. Sex with Mitch was absolutely incredible but he needed to think without his dick complicating things. How to announce this new relationship? He would tell his original band mates, Esther of course, and then their parents, friends, Neal, the fans... the list was endless.

They had a couple of days left to hide from the world and make a plan. Of course Mitch would have a say too. Mitch. He was the most gorgeous human, and he was right there, filling the once too-large space perfectly.

Scott rolled on his back, brain running at top speed, beaches past and present colliding. The previous day with Mitch, the picture of Bailey, her engagement pictures on Facebook all danced in his mind's eye.

As much as this felt completely right, there was a corner of his heart in which Bailey smiled at him on another beach, golden hair blowing in the sea breeze, he loved both her and Mitch, and they travelled a different path. A different life.

If I had my time over, I'd do the same it's true

Don't want memories without you

I know we didn't reach the promised land

But every life I live, I'll always take your hand

A melody popped into his head. He slipped out of bed, grabbed a tee shirt and sweatpants, and went down to the music room barefoot, humming as he went.

An hour later he had the rough draft of a melody for the song he had composed months ago, for both of them and one of them. He was thirsty and hungry, he realised. He needed to brush his teeth and generally make himself presentable. And Mitch was asleep in his bed, or if not had woken up alone. He ran back upstairs. Mitch was still asleep, so Scott showered and dressed quickly before heading out, humming his new song.

The Pact  (Scömìche)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now