46 Pink slips

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Hello lovelies! It's that time again, leaves are falling but the sun is out. I hope your weekend was peaceful and you got enough rest. 🍂🍁

And welcome to Matt Sallee, I can't wait to see and hear the new line-up. My darling Avriel continues to heal his soul and talk with his fans and it's beautiful. 🌻

It is Monday but I have the antidote to the weekly blues. More Scömìche goodness for y'all.

Be warned, we start with 💥 so watch where you read. It's time for holding on to some things and letting go of others.

Back home Scott waited until they had hung their jackets and kicked off their shoes. As Mitch closed the closet door he turned him around and pulled him close.

"That went well."

Mitch nodded, smiling. "Did you see Candice's face? I really thought she might kill me."

Scott chuckled. "Yeah, but she's always not so secretly shipped it."

Mitch dimpled in such a beautiful way that Scott ached. "Are we gonna just stand here or?" He waggled an eyebrow.

Scott was halted by bright eyes and spiced cologne, and dazzled by a brilliant smile. "May I kiss you?"

"Not sure why you need to ask, but yes, you may." Mitch closed his eyes and offered up the softness of slightly parted lips.

Scott slipped one hand to the back of his head and closed the distance. First a butterfly touch, then soft pressure giving way to warm and almost hesitant exploration. He let his fingers brush fuzzy scalp and wander through short hair, and broke off the kiss to trail his lips from jawline to neck. Mitch trembled, hands gripping his waist before dipping lower.

"Let's go up now," Mitch said.

Scott kissed and nuzzled his neck, humming against his skin till he moaned. "Wanna kiss you some more."

He walked Mitch back against the wall. After undoing the buttons on his peacock shirt, he took both wrists above his head and pinned them with one hand. The other hand skimmed over the flat planes of his abs, feeling the flutter of muscles and the rapid movements of his breathing. Then he kissed his mouth again, desire coursing through his veins when Mitch allowed him in.

He stepped back and admired Mitch, arms still raised and crossed at the wrist, shirt hanging loose as his hips found a slow rhythm of their own. Sinfully tight black pants displayed slender thighs and outlined his growing erection.

"You are so exquisite, you'd make an angel weep."

Scott bit his lip. He would not rush this. He let his gaze travel over every angle and curve, the collarbone with its name inked below, dark nipples, flat stomach and trail of dark hair disappearing under his waistband.

Mitch turned his head to expose his neck, a pink blush on his cheeks.

"I'm looking at you, baby. How beautiful you look right now with your clothes on. We're taking our time tonight."

"Fuck," Mitch muttered. He opened his eyes and stared at Scott. "Now."

Scott pulled his arms down and held both wrists. "Soon."

He swallowed Mitch's retort with another kiss, this time opening to Mitch's tongue at the same time as grinding gently. Mitch pulled his hands free and grabbed Scott's butt to increase the pressure, gasping into the kiss before biting down hard on Scott's lip.

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