40 Safe harbour

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Hello lovelies and happy Monday! Here's your weekly dose of Scömìche realness to distract you from another week of whatever life throws at you.

To everyone affected by this awful weather I send hopes that you and your families are all safe. The world is a wild place to be, and we need to hold on to each other with love.💖✨

So, on with our guys. I've been dying to share this for weeks. S/O to @Ehcimocs for your kind words of encouragement when I was unsure; thank you thank you!😘

Hunker down for over 4K words and y'all are not reADY. 😺 (or maybe you are)

Sparks. Fly. 💥💞

Mitch nestled into Scott's side while some actress said words to some actor and look, I'm not even slightly interested because I'm cuddled up to Scott fucking Hoying and nothing else matters.

He wanted to run his hands up and down the toned torso that had been displayed to him so casually. He wanted to feel muscles moving under smooth skin. He wanted—



"I said I'm ready for bed, how about you?"

Mitch peered up at Scott's playful smile and sighed. "I thought you'd never ask."

"I'm gonna go pee and then we'll decide about tomorrow, okay?" Scott rolled off the bed and went into the bathroom.

Mitch got up and stacked food debris and plates on the table. What next? Before he could form any ideas, Scott returned.

"It's been a day."

Mitch nodded. "It really has."

"Are you feeling any better?" Scott seemed hesitant, and Mitch couldn't blame him after the meltdown earlier.

"I'm sor—"

"Nope. No more apologies, just truth."

"I hope you don't think badly of me." Mitch dropped his gaze. He wanted to forget. He couldn't forget, and that made it worse.

Scott led him back to the bed. They sat side by side. Scott took Mitch's right hand, and placed his other hand on top. Mitch was very glad he didn't have to make eye contact. Instead he stared at their feet, his dark painted toenails contrasting with Scott's pale ones. His second toe was longer than the big toe. Deformed, he'd teased him before.

"I'm going to say this, and then we can drop it. Although, if you ever wanna talk I'll listen." Scott took a deep breath. "You are the strongest, most amazing, beautiful person and that bastard didn't deserve you. Pray I never meet him because I swear I will beat him to a fucking pulp. That wasn't love. You deserve someone who will give you the world." Scott surrounded Mitch's hand in the warmth of his own.

"Thank you." The words barely escaped.

"And now we need sleep." The lightest kiss on the side of his head followed.

"Mmm." He didn't trust himself to say more. He was emotionally spent.

Scott yawned. "It's probably time we went back to LA."

"Oh, you're bored with me already?"

Scott gasped and stood up. "Never, but you know, work calls. You must have things to get back to as well."

Mitch had a couple of prospects, but in truth he was drained. He escaped Milan but had to start again from ground zero, his most important relationships starved and dying while Luca burnt his bridges. Rebuilding his relationship with Scott was the only project that mattered.

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