52 Open the box

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Hey hey lovelies! Sneaky early update for y'all! 💖✨

My Black Friday gift to thank you for passing 50K reads and 100 followers here on Wattpad. ✨🎉🎊💝

I am so very grateful for your time. Every read, vote, comment means the world to me. Thank you. 😘

Today: 🎁💥 👨‍❤️‍👨 and not much else... #sorrybutactuallynotsorryonebit

You may want to skip if that's not your thing... otherwise, enjoy. 


Scott closed the laptop with a sigh after their call. His house was too large and empty again. He poured a glass of iced water and sat at the kitchen table to drink it. He reminded himself that the joy of union was worth the pain of separation. Hadn't he told Mitch that they wouldn't be co-dependent like before? He just had to live the truth of those words.

Not even one day, and he was already pining.

Get a grip, Hoying.

He put some music on, then printed out his schedule for the month and spread the sheets on the table. Structure, that was the key. He filled in regular exercise and meditation sessions, added songwriting and business meetings, and frowned at the gaps.

While he wasn't the social butterfly of younger days, he could do with seeing more of people. He pencilled in dinner and lunch dates with friends. Evenings and weekends would be too quiet unless he actively planned things to do.

Several texts and emails later, he had a mix of events arranged to keep him busy. And if solitude got too much, there was always the gym. It had been his safe space more often than he could count, and he wanted to keep the abs that Mitch enjoyed so much. That was one excellent reason to keep motivated.

Scott had roses delivered to Mitch on Monday with a note.

"break a leg, you got this, love S xx"

He texted each day, short messages about his day and encouraging words. They both looked forward to Skyping on Sunday.

On Saturday night Scott tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep. He knew from texts that Mitch had returned to his room late and tired. He would be asleep in seconds. He spread out in the big bed and slowed his breathing. He didn't want to be tired for his call.

He woke early on Sunday. After ten minutes of meditation in which his mind jumped around, he took a quick shower. It was probably too soon, but he called anyway.


"Mitchy it's me, good morning."

"Scott, the fuck? Way too early, bye—"

"No, don't hang up baby, wanna see you."

Mitch groaned. "Scott. Skype me later, please let me sleep now."

Scott smiled at the sleepy, irritable voice. "I will, if you let me come in."

"No, I want – what?"

"I'm here, open up."

The dial tone was the only reply. He picked up his key card and phone and went out to knock on the door.

Mitch opened the door after a minute and pulled him inside. He scowled at Scott and pointed a finger at his chest.

"You're sneaky. Now get in that bed, kiss me, and shut the fuck up so I can sleep." He turned away and slipped back under the covers.

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