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Things I didn't like:

* You don't need the all the lyrics. Just a few lines then "..." is better. 

* You don't give much back round to Niall and the Amelia's realationship. The readers were just kind of thrown into the story. I would suggest giving more details to their lives.

* I understand English isn't your first language so, I won't critiize you to much about that. Though I would suggest finding a editor or using spell-check before you upload. 

* You tend to switch back and forth between past and present tenses. I do this to, so I suggest a proofread before you publish.

Things I did like:

* Your general idea for the story it's cute and sappy. 

Overall, I give this book a 2/5. Don't take it to bad love. I'm a tough critic. You can fix these things you just have to work a bit harder.

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