Chapter 7

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Four P.O.V

I watch as the nurse checks Tris out. My heart tears as I watch her body still and lifeless. What happened? That's what I want to know.
Zeke's sitting next to me as tears slide down his face. The nurse hasn't called the ambulance so it mustn't be a life or death situation but we still don't know for sure what's happening and it's scary.
The nurse comes out after checking them both and calls us over.
"Boys it's alright. They just fainted, I don't why but they are fine. When they wake up they'll be a bit confused so don't ask too many questions and let them have some rest." She tells us.
"When will they wa-" Zeke gets cut off from a high pitched scream. The three of us run into Uriah and Tris' room to find both of them sitting up in their beds.
"Where are we?" Tris asks looking confused. Zeke runs towards both of them and gives them a hug while I just stand here looking awkward.
"Who was the one who screamed?" The nurse, who I only just realised her name was Lucy as I only just saw her name tag, asks.
Tris points to Uriah and starts cracking up laughing.

Wow, her laugh is beautiful.
All of her is beautiful.
That's true.
Of course it is, I said it.
I roll my eyes inwardly as I think these thoughts. What is she doing to me?
"Miss can you tell me what happened when you fainted?" Lucy kindly asks Tris once she's sobered up. Tris' face shows confusion as she replies,
"Well we were in hip hop, Tori was telling us about an upcoming competition and... and... and that's all I remember."
"And about you?" Lucy looks towards Uriah.
"Same." He shrugs.
"Well that's unusual but you guys are all good to go home. It's last period so I can sign you guys out."
Tris shakes her head, "I'm not going. I'll be in the auditorium." She quickly jumps up from her bed and walks away.
"Thank you Lucy." Zeke says as we walk out. She nods at us and goes back to her desk.
"Do you think Trissy is okay?" Uriah asks.
"You won't be when she finds out you called her that." We chuckle as Uriah's face pales and he gets on his knees.
"Please, please, please don't tell her!!!" He begs, wow she must be scary.
"I make no promises." Zeke makes a serious face. All of a sudden Uriah falls on the floor.
"My life's over!!" He yells over dramatically.
"I'm going to the auditorium." I mumble and start walking away.
"Don't do anything!!" Zeke screams as I'm half way down the hall.
While I'm walking I think about back in LA. I had an actual life there, I was Four: the best dancer on and off the streets. Now I'm here and everyone's amazing, especially Tris. When she dances she looks like an angel, she puts so much energy and emotion into everything she does. It just takes my breathe away.
I start to near the auditorium and hear music playing. On the stage is Tris doing acrobatic tricks and flips. She looks like she's flying.

Some tricks and stuff ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Tris finishes to take a breathe. I start applauding her, she jumps in surprise then calms down once she sees it's only me.
"What are you doing here and how long have you been standing there?" She scowls as I start walking towards her. I do a quick shrug and jump up onto the stage.
"What do you want?" She sighs and puts her hand on her hip. She does that a lot.
"Just wanted to hang." I say honestly.
"Well if you can't see I'm practicing. I need to keep sharp as acro is not one of my classes this semester." She starts doing chin stands again, ignoring my presence.
"How bout I teach you the hip hop dance for the comp?" I suggest, wanting her to talk to me instead of ignoring me. She sighs and comes out of the chin stand.
"I thought you were at the nurses office with Zeke?" She keeps a blank face but her blue grey eyes suggest she really wants to know.
"Tori came by and gave us a few steps and sent everyone a video." I grab my phone out of my pocket and show the video to her.
"Wow, that's awesome!!" She exclaims. I nod in agreement and show her step by step the dance, she catches up fast.

After around half an hour we've both got the dance down pat.
"You pick up fast." I compliment her.
"Well I've been doing this since I could walk, literally." I nod in understanding.
"So wanna continue hanging?" I ask hoping she'll say yes.
"I've got English and math homework, gotta choreograph a solo for contemporary and design the jazz costumes soo." Damn.
"I could help." I wink.
"Fine." She sighs and we head out to the car park, towards her car.
"I walked this morning, is that alright?" She nods, hopping into her Range Rover.
"Love this car. How did you afford it?" I ask, astonished.
"Like the gaming systems. I saved up, bought my motorbike as well." Tris talks for the first time in a while.
She turns on the radio and Moves like Jagger comes on.

Take me by the tongue and I'll know you
Kiss me till you're drunk and I'll show you all the moves like Jagger
I've got the moves like Jagger
I've got the moves like Jagger.

Tris starts singing with me as she drives.

I don't need to try to control you
Look into my eyes and I'll own you with them move like jagger
I've got the moves like Jagger
I've got the moves like Jagger.

We pull up into Tris' driveway and turn the radio off. As I hop out I see Marcus' car outside of mine and lightly shudder at the haunting thoughts.
"You okay?" Tris looks concerned.
"Yeah I'm good." I lie. She nods as if she doesn't believe me and leads me inside.
"Mum I'm home!!" Tris yells but no one answers. We start walking upstairs and go to her room.
Tris sits on her bed as I sit on her desk chair. We start with math and English, finishing that quickly as it's quite easy.
"Let's go to the basement where our dance room is." Tris leads me to the basement where there's a gymnastics area, a ballet area with ballet barres, shelves filled with dance shoes and extra clothes, mirrors along everyone wall and a music section with a bar type of thing with radios, plenty of cd's and a couple massive speakers.
Tris connects her phone to one of the speakers and goes to the ballet area. As she starts stretches I just watch her, the way she moves is mesmerising. I could watch her all day. I snap out of my daze as Tris says something.
"Are you gonna come stretch or just stare at me the whole time?" Tris chuckles to herself as I walk over and start stretching.
Once we're done, we start working on our solos.

When we are done helping each other, we show each other our whole solo. Can I just say, Tris' took my breathe away, she's so beautiful and when she dances it's like the whole world stops what they're doing just to see her dance.
I do my solo as Tris watches. I'm so nervous!
I've never been nervous to dance since I was like 6.
What is happening to me?
She is happening.

Once I finish I turn to see what Tris thinks, her eyes are wide and her jaw is dropped.
"Any good?" I ask sheepishly.
"Any good? I didn't realise you'd be that good at contemporary!" She exclaims as I chuckle at her expression.
"What about you missy? You're amazing!" I pinch her cheeks making them red as she never blushes. She swats my hand away and walks back to the ballet area to stretch again.
Out of the corner of my eye I see Tris bend down to touch her toes. My eyes widen, damn that ass!!
"Ready to design?" She turns around as I quickly try to put my eyes somewhere else but I know she saw me.
I nod my head, feeling my ears tint a deep red.
We go back upstairs to her room.
"I'll just grab my sketchbook so make yourself comfy." Tris runs down the stairs. I hear her quiet footsteps bouncing down the stairs and smile to myself.
If anyone saw me I'd look like a complete creep but oh well.
"Oh hey mum!" Tris screams, I think to warn me?
After a couple of minutes Tris comes back up with Chris, Mar and has red ears.
"What took you so long?" I question.
"She gave me a little "speech", you could call it." She gives me a look saying that I should know what she's talking about.
I think about it before coming to realisation and bursting out in laughter. Tris punches my shoulder, I wince, damn that girls strong.
"Let's just get on this shall we." She grumbles and the girls start sketching designs.

Not adding any of the dances or costumes until they do/wear them.
Thanks for reading xxx

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