Chapter 16

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Uriah's P.O.V

The cold metal of the hospital bed makes a shiver run down my spine. God I hate doctors. Tris and I are with Zeke at the doctors. The doctor, Dr James, asks a series of questions about when we have fainted. They are quite hard to answer when you can't remember anything! Next up are some tests! They want to check our blood and then get an x-ray of our brains. This all seems so serious.
"I would rather be eating cake right now." I whisper to Tris. She chuckles slightly as Dr James enters the room again. He takes our blood and then passes it to the nurse.
"Who's getting the x-ray first?" Tris points at me as I point at her. Wow. How typical.
"Not it!" Tris yells and punches me in the arm. I sigh and we follow Dr James to the X-ray room.
My back touches the metal and stiffens. Why is it so cold?! Dr James tell me to lay still and close my eyes. Minutes later it's Tris' turn. She has to put something over her stomach as she lays there.
Another half an hour and we are out of the doctors. We don't get any results today so we have to go back in a week.
"Want to dance?" I ask once we're home. Tris nods and we race to our rooms to change.

Tris is already stretched when I get downstairs. How did she do that so quickly? I stretch and then play our Spotify playlist. One of our old routine songs plays, we simultaneously start the routine.

Their routine⬇️⬇️

Tris and I won 1st place with that routine. There's so many emotions with the song and the dance. We dance for many more hours until it's time for bed. I kiss Tris, on the forehead, goodnight and hop into my own bed.


Tris' P.O.V

The speakers crackle as if they haven't been used in ages. Of course the sea of students don't stop what they're doing to listen.
"Students to the auditorium for an assembly." I groan, slamming my locker shut and then slowly dragging myself towards the auditorium. This school doesn't have assemblies very often, so when we do it's probably important. I really don't have the energy for "important". I already have to go home at lunch because I forgot my dance video and it's due today. Could this day get any worse? Okay, maybe I'm overreacting.

Students are already crowding the auditorium when I arrive. This school may look small but it's actually pretty big. Plus there are a lot of students. My ears hear the gang before I see them. Their laughs are louder than all the noise. I smile as I make my way to them. They notice me straight away and say their hellos. I speak to Lynn for a few minutes before the principal starts trying to get everyone's attention.
"Students! Students!" He finally has most students listening.
"We have called you here today for an important change." Murmurs start.
"Settle down. The staff and I have been talking about this for a while. We have assigned you all duet partners. All your teachers have been assessing who has the most chemistry together and who is the right fit." DUET PARTNERS?! I'm excited but nervous. Who will I be with?
"Please go to your home room to see who your partners are. Thank you." Wow. Quickest assembly in the history of assemblies. The gang and I quickly scramble to home room, eager to see who are partners are.

Duet Partners

~ Robbert and Callie
~ Zeke and Shauna
~ James and Lynn
~ Ryan and Hayley
~ Uriah and Marlene
~ Will and Christina
~ Nick and Ashley
~ Four and Tris
~ John and Emily
~ Peter and Chloe

My eyes pop out of my head. TOBIAS AND I?! Does this mean we have chemistry.....
I search for Tobias. He's already looking at me when I find him. His classic smirk is etched on his face. I'm kind of excited for this. Hopefully it will turn out well.


Sometimes car rides are relaxing, even short ones. Maybe it's the music or the freedom that you can drive anywhere you want. My favourite part is definitely jamming out to my favourite songs. I don't care if my voice is horrible, I will scream my lungs out.
I'm a massive Fall Out Boys fan. They are life!!!

They say we are what we are.
But we don't have to be
I'm glad to hate you but I do it in the best way
I'll be the watcher of the eternal flame
I'll be the guard dog of all your fever dreams

It's lunch period so I had so go home and collect my video. This car ride made me relax a little. Ever since this morning when we got our duet partners, the gang have been making sly comments about Tobias and I. It's nice to just get away for a while.

I am the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass (glass,glass)
I'll try to picture me without you but I can't
Cause we could be immortals, immortals
Just not for long, for long

I'll admit, I am excited that Tobias is my partner. I probably wouldn't want anyone else besides the gang. I'm also a little afraid that we'll get closer. It's such a stupid fear.

If we meet forever now, pull the blackout curtains down
Just not for long, for long
We could be immor immortals, immor immortals
Immor immortals, immor immortals

My house comes into view where I see mum's car outside. A wide smiles makes it's way onto my face. Mum has been away for a business trip.
Once I'm parked, I race inside.
"Mummy!!!" I yell and throw my arms around her. She returns the gesture with a chuckle. We say our hellos and tell each other what's been going on.
"So next question. Why aren't you at school?" I roll my eyes.
"It's lunch and I need to collect something." After a little chat I race upstairs and grab my USB. As I check the time I realise I need to hurry.
My legs carry me quickly back downstairs as I yell a 'goodbye' to mum.
Speeding just a little bit, I get to school on time. I still have a little bit of time so I go to my locker where Tobias happens to be waiting.
"Hey dance partner." He smirks. I open my locker, ignoring him.
"You can't just ignore me forever. Nothing happened that night." I sigh and look at him. His beautiful ocean blue eyes are so easy to get lost in. Our eyes lock. I'm not sure whether I lean in or he does, but somehow we meet in the middle. Our lips connect. Kissing him makes me forget everything around us, it's just him and me. His lips are so soft, so addicting. My hands travel to his head and into his silky short locks. He pushes me against my locker as he bites my lip.  I grant him access without even realising. Our tongues dance together until we have to breathe.
"Will you go on a date with me?" His breathing is heavy.
"Of course." I smile into another kiss.

Finally Fourtris is going on a date! Let's see what happens from there...
The song, Immortals by Fall Out Boys, is up the top of to the side. Enjoy!

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