Chapter 10

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Tobias' P.O.V

Dark lights surround me. All I remember is getting off the bus and then quickly going home. I wanted to change before I go see Tris. Tris. Shit!
I was suppose to meet her at her house. Then it all comes back to me.
Marcus happened. Of course, just when I had a very important thing to do, he beats me.
I groan as I sit up. No matter how much pain, I have to see Tris.
As quickly as I can, I clean myself up and climb out of my window. The light is on in her room which means she must be still awake.
Taking a breath, I knock quietly as the others may be asleep. The window opens to Tris in black short shorts and a black shirt. My eyes widen as I scan her body.
"Why are you so dressed up?" I question.
"I thought you weren't gonna show up so I was gonna go to a club." She answers honestly. Guilt fills me.
"I'm sorry, something.... important came up." She nods in understanding and let's me in.
"So what do you want?" Where did this new attitude come from?
"I wanted to talk..." I say, unsure of how to start. Tris raises her eyebrows.
"I um.. I really like you." The words come out so quickly, I'm not sure she understands. But from the look on her face she does.
"Um why are you telling me this?" Well that was not the response I was hoping to get.
"Uh I was uh hoping..." My voice gets caught in my throat. What the hell do I saw?
"Tris... I can feel it. I can see that you like me. Please just admit it."
"I can't admit something that's not even true!!" She raises her voice. I can feel the lump in my throats forming.
"You don't kiss someone like that who you don't have feelings for!" That kiss was passionate and meant something.
"You don't even like me, you can't. There's no reason to." Tris' voice gets quieter but what she says frustrates me.
"Then why am I so afraid to lose you when you're not even mine?!?!?!" I yell, the pain evident in my voice.
"You don't mean that...." I then see the tears glistening on her cheeks. I walk slowly towards her but she keeps taking steps backwards until she's against the wall.
"I do Tris. Please." My voices is just above a whisper as I lean in. Just as my lips brush against hers, she's pushes me away.
"No! You can't just keep kissing me. I don't like you! Leave!" She yells and points to the window. I hear footsteps coming towards Tris' room and start walking towards her window. I will not cry. I will not cry.
It doesn't help. A tear escapes as I climb back into my room.
I've never felt like this before. But if she doesn't like me, which she made pretty obvious, I just need to get over her.
More tears escape as I try to fall asleep but it doesn't work. I decide to just give up.


Loud thunder wakes me up and I already know it's gonna be a crap day. The sky is a dark grey outside of my window and shows no signs of sunshine. The weather seems to represent my mood.
I get dressed in jeans, a tight black v neck and black high tops. As I sneak downstairs, I see no sign of the devil.
I skip breakfast and head to school, dreading the day ahead. Once at school I see Tris is already standing with the gang. God why did she have to choose such sexy clothes today.
I walk quickly past the gang who give me confused looks. On the rush to my locker I run into someone, knocking the person over.
"Oh I'm so sorry." I help the girl up. She's fairly pretty.
"Oh no it's alright."
"Are you new?" I ask.
"Yeah. I'm Nita."
"Four." We shake hands.
"I can show you around if you want." I offer. When did I become so nice?
"Oh yes thanks. This school is huge." Nita shows me her locker combo and timetable. We quickly find her locker and then see that we have all the same periods except ballet.
I lead her to home room and see the gang already there.
"Hey guys. This is Nita." I introduce her, making sure I don't make any eye contact with Tris.
"Nita, this is the gang. Pedrad trio Zeke, Uriah and Tris. Then Will, Christina, Shauna, Marlene and Lynn." They all say there hellos except Tris who just waves. Christina whispers something to Tris and she nods in return. Suddenly they are out of there seats and walking straight out of class.
"Tell Sir we're here Zekey!" Tris yells over her shoulder. Nita and I sit down in their seats.
"Does that always happen?" Nita asks, confused.
"Depends what mood their in." Zeke shrugs and then starts a conversation with Shauna. I look over to Uriah and see that he looks very concentrated. He then turns and glares at me. What the hell did I do?

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