Chapter 30

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Tris' P.O.V

My eyes softly close, pulling me into a time of rest. I lay on Tobias' chest as he strokes my hair. It's these moments I really cherish. Instead of being at my house, we're at his. Uriah and I have forgiven Zeke as we realise he was put in the middle but it's so hard to try and forgive mother. She could have told us ages ago and I realise the situation but another thing, if we hadn't had these images in our head she probably would have never told us the truth.

It has been a week and I have mostly been staying at Lynn's and then from now on I'll be staying at Tobias'. Marcus and Michelle are going away on holidays for a month and a half as it is there anniversary. Michelle said that Tobias can have guests over. I'm so relieved that Tobias doesn't have to deal with that monster for the next month and a half.

I feel so safe in Tobias' arms, like nothing can hurt me. My brain goes in and out of sleep for the next couple of minutes. I am so tired yet I don't want to sleep. Lately I've been having bad nightmares and I'm hoping tonight is different.

"Tris, stay awake so you can sleep tonight." Tobias whispers to me, he knows I haven't been sleeping well even though I haven't told him what my nightmares are about. To be honest I don't really know what they're about, they are such a blur.

"Tobias." I yawn and snuggle further into his neck, "Will you dance for me?"

"Of course." Tobias gently moves out from under me and then picks me up in his arms. I rest my head on his shoulder while he walks downstairs. I probably could have walked but I'm not saying that...

We go downstairs to his basement which he turned into a dance room just like my own. He rests me on the couch and looks for a song. "This is a solo I have been working on for a competition."

The music starts and I relax into the seat, feeling comfortable.

Tobias' Solo

A smile makes its way onto my face. Watching him dance makes me happy, it's so beautiful and looks so effortless.

"That was amazing." I tell him, giving him a kiss. Tobias pulls me closer, pressing our lips harder together. His kisses are addicting. My arms wrap around his neck and he lifts me up, I wrap my legs around his waist.

Tobias lays us down on the couch and holds my waist tightly, massaging them softly. A little moan makes its way from the back of my throat. My hands run through his hair and he let's his tongue run across my bottom lip, asking for entrance. Tobias then moves onto my neck, showering open kisses along my tattoos.

A loud cough interrupts us. Tobias and I pull apart. Why do we always have to be interrupted?! Zeke stands awkwardly in the basement's doorway. Why?

"Why must you be here?" I sigh. Zeke looks towards Tobias as he pulls me onto his lap.

"Oh yeah." Tobias scratches his neck, "I forgot that I invited him over earlier."

"Oh okay." I guess that's okay. That make out session has kind of woken me up. That was random.

"So can I stay or do you want me to go." Zeke asks.

"Go away." I deadpan the same time as Tobias says, "Yeah, I guess."

"I feel so loved." Zeke remarks sarcastically.

We all go upstairs to the lounge room, Tobias carries me again. The boys wanted to watch a movie and I didn't appose to the idea. Knowing me, I'll probably fall asleep and won't be able to get through even one movie.

Tobias and I let Zeke choose the movie, he chooses a scary movie. Yay! Sarcasm.

My eyes open and close throughout the first ten minutes of the movie. Some horror movies I can handle, this one I can't. I snuggle my head deeper into Tobias' chest, not wanting to actually watch the movie. He seems to be enjoying it.

I don't know when but at some point during the movie my eyes finally close and I fall asleep.


"Trissy. Wake up." Tobias gentle shakes me. I open my eyes to discover that we're in Tobias' bed. I don't remember going to bed.

"You fell asleep during the movie." Tobias answers, reading my thoughts. Oh. That makes sense!!

Last night was the first night I slept well in what feels like ages. It probably has to do with the fact that I felt really safe in Tobias' arms and that I was absouloutly stuffed.

Tobias and I stay in bed for another hour, talking and cuddling. We go down to the kitchen where Uriah and Zeke are. "When the hell did you get here?" I ask, putting a hand over my heart.

"We've been here for an hour." Zeke informs us, apparently Tobias didn't even know they were here.

"Also, the gang are going to be here any minute." My eyes widen. I'm still in my pyjamas and I haven't even had breakfast. Of course they would invite everyone over!

The door bell rings as I'm half way up the stairs. I go a bit quicker and start to get changed. I really want a shower to properly wake me up but oh well. Too late now. The gang are all in the lounge room when I get back downstairs.

They all yell out a hello. I sit down on Tobias' lap and peck his cheek. The gang chatter and laugh for a while before we decide to play a game. We ponder, throwing out suggestions. I really have no idea what to play.
"I have an idea!" Christina chimes, "Let's go to the mall!" That's not a game but... I'm not apposed to the idea!

"No!" Lynn wines as all the other agree. I'm surprised the boys want to go, in around 6 weeks is Christmas and I haven't bought any presents! Oops! That's what I'll look for today while at the mall.

This should be an interesting shopping trip.

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