Chapter 25

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Tris' P.O.V

There are pages and pages of notes in my notebook. I'm so bored! Writing down notes nearly ever single dance lesson sucks. It's also a little depressing. Seeing everybody else have fun and get to dance breaks my heart bit by bit.

The gang do their best to keep me happy and I do my best to try and be happy. Sometimes it's not as easy as it seems. Most mornings I don't even want to get out of bed. Most days I want to be in my bed, alone and isolated from everyone.

I think the most boring class is definitely ballet. Ms Mathews went from understanding to her old self. She lets me sit there, bored and lonely. None of the girls are allowed to talk to me, ask me if I'm okay or if I need anything. But that's not the point, they don't need to do that for me. The point is she has no sympathy, I write down the same thing every single lesson even if the class does something completely different.

Right now, I probably sound like a two year old. But I don't think anyone realises how hard not being able to do something that you truly love is.

Uh, I just want the last bell to ring and save me from this horrible day. I want to go home, lay down in my bed and never get back up.

Finally, I think as the bell goes. Tobias helps me up and carries my bag along with his. I give him a kiss as a thanks. We head to the car and jump in, saying goodbye to the gang. Tobias turns on the radio as we drive. We hum along to the songs. Suddenly a song by One Direction comes on and no, I do not like 1D. Actually, I dislike them but not all their songs. It's complicated.

Tobias starts singing loudly, making me laugh.

Throughout the song Tobias points and makes silly faces at me. Maybe this song isn't so bad. We arrive home and he helps me out and to my bedroom.

"What would you like to do, Trissy." I glare at Tobias, he never learns. I hop over closer to him and he leans away. Good, he should be scared. "You're lucky I'm on crutches because you would be in some serious trouble for calling me that." Another thing that I hate, I feel so weak.

A smirk makes it's way onto his face. God that smirk is adorable. He leans closer to me and licks his lips. Damn. That was sexy. At the last second I'm in his arms and carefully thrown onto my bed. Tobias leans over me and places his legs on either side of mine, being careful not to touch or move my ankle.

Our lips meet in a passionate kiss, moulding together. His kisses are so addicting, like candy. My arms wrap around his neck as his hands travel down to my waist. I pull him closer, savouring his touch. Tobias runs his tongue across my bottom lip, asking for entrance. Which I deny, payback for earlier. He groans as he realises what I'm doing.

My bedroom door flies open, revealing my mother. Oh god. Tobias and I spring apart and I feel heat rush to my cheeks.

"Oh, um, I just wanted to tell you that I am going out for dinner with my co - workers." She awkwardly says.

"Okay. Have fun." I reply and she walks off, leaving the door open. "Can you close the door please."

"Nope." She yells back and I swear I can hear the smirk in her voice. That was so embarrassing.

My eyes reconnect with Tobias who has now moved to lay down beside me. "Sorry about that." Tobias just replies with a chuckle.

He wraps his arm around my waist and rests his head in my neck. I squirm as his breath tickles my neck. Tobias and I continue to lay down, staring into each others eyes. It's moments like these which I really love. My hand finds its way into his hair as Tobias' hands travel from my face, neck and waist. I love the feelings of him so close.

Unfortunately someone has to ruin the moment and come racing into my bedroom. Uriah.

Why must he do this? Of course, I love him but he can be soooo annoying. I glare at him as he just stands there with a smile on his face, oblivious to my fury. Can Tobias and I not have just a moment by ourselves. We're always surrounded by people, even if we are trying to have alone time.

"What do you want?" I ask, my voice emotionless. Uriah's eyes light up and Tobias groans, stuffing his face into my pillow. Well actually, it might as well be his pillow because he sleeps here most nights.

"Mother is finally going out. It has been ages since she has. I'm happy for her." Wow, okay, that was actually pretty sweet. That makes me a little less annoyed at him.

"I know, that's great." I smile, "Now, what do you want?" I deadpan, Tobias chuckles next to me.

"What makes you think I want anything?" Uriah's face turns confused.

"Because it's you." I roll my eyes with a smile on my face. Uriah starts going on about how he wants to throw a party because mother has gone out. Like seriously? She won't be gone forever. Uriah sometimes has the most bizarre ideas.

I finally get Uriah to leave and sigh. Tobias and I decide to make dinner and then watch a movie. Since I injured myself Tobias and I have watched so many movies. I can't even remember how many. But surprisingly it doesn't get boring. It's really relaxing hanging with Tobias and doing hardly anything.

Tobias tells me that he's making me dinner tonight. I'm excited! Tobias' cooking is really good. My mouth is already watering.

Tobias' P.O.V

Tris sits on the kitchen bench, after I have lifted her up there, and watches me while I start to cook. Out of the corner of my eye I see her checking me out. As soon as she sees me looking at her a smirk and blush spreads across her face.

God she's so cute. I must be one of the luckiest boys on the planet to have her as my girlfriend. Even if that does sound cliché.

I really wanted to make Tris dinner tonight and now I have the perfect chance. I have no idea what I'm going to cook, it depends on what's in the cupboards. Maybe I'll just make burgers. Done. That's what I'll make.

Once I've finished making the burgers for Tris and I we head back upstairs. Tris is a lot more skilled on her crutches and is a lot more quicker going up the stairs. Sometimes she goes up even faster than me!

For the rest of the night, Tris and I watch movies while eating snacks. We snuggle and rest, enjoying every minute.

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