Chapter 14

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Tris P.O.V

"Bye Tris." Lynn says as I hop out of the car.
"See ya." I wave back. Quickly I head to my room and jump in the shower. I really hope this shower relaxes my muscles. For a second, I close my eyes and hope to relax. But it doesn't work. Groaning, I get out of the shower, change into a sexy outfit and do my makeup plus redo my hair.
"Oh Trissy!!" Uriah sings as he barges into my room. I glare, annoyed and definitely not in the mood.
"Ooh where are you going?" He questions.
"The club." I roll my eyes.
"I hope you're not disappointed in yourself from today." Uri says seriously.
"What if I am?" Uriah wraps me in his arms. I feel comforted.
"I've gotta go." I whisper. He nods and lets me go. Silently, I jump out of my window and walk to the club around the corner. This so happens to be the club where Tobias and I met.
The music pounds in my ears as I reach the club. I roll my shoulders, relaxing. Finally.
A smirk plays on my lips as I confidently strut into the life of bright lights and grinding.
First things first, I need a drink.
"Hey, what can I get you?" The hot bartender asks.
"I need a very strong drink." I lean over the counter.
"ID?" He smirks.
"I don't think I need it." I wink as I push my boobs together. His eyes travel and widen.
"What would you like babe." He asks. I chuckle.
"I'll start off with a vodka cruiser, guava flavour." I smile as he grabs the bottle, takes off the lid and hands me the drink. I quickly chug the bottle down and ask for another. After three more I don't even feel the burn that makes it way down my throat.
"Ready for something new." The bartender asks.
"Hell yeah." I smirk. See I'm not a light weight but it just depends on how much I drink. Right now, I feel a little tipsy.
"Here's some straight vodka shots. Enjoy." He smirks. Obviously he doesn't think I can take it, but trust me I've had some practice.
I take all three shots and ask for more.
"I think someone needs a dance." A shiver runs up my spine, I turn around to see Tobias holding his hand out. Now I'm definitely more than tipsy.
I giggle and grab his hand, I push myself off the seat and fall into his hard chest. Obviously I did not calculate how hard I needed to push. Oops. Hahahaha.
"Hey dance partner!" I yell and wrap my arms around his neck. We start to move to the music, getting closer and closer. I turn around and start grinding. From the groan that escapes Tobias' lips, he likes it.
"I think you need a drink." I whisper as I throw my head back onto his shoulder. We head back to the bar and order more drinks.
Soon enough we are both piss drunk, dancing and grinding like idiots. Things are starting to become hazy. Tobias leads me out of the club and down the street. I have no idea where we are going. Everything starts to become even more fuzzy... and then I'm out.

Four P.O.V

My head is pounding as I open my eyes. Great I have to go to school with a massive hang over. What happened last night? All I remember is going to the club and seeing Tris. Tris. I look around the room and see her lying beside me.... in her bra and underwear. Quickly, I check if I'm naked and let out a sigh as I see I still have my boxers on.
I hear a quiet groan and turn to see Tris is awake. As she sees where she is, she lets out a small scream.
"What am I doing in your bed, with just my underwear on?" Her eyes are wide.
"To be honest, I do not remember at all."
"Shit." She mumbles under her breath. Tris gets up and goes around the room, collecting her clothes from last night.
"You don't think, you know." Is she referring to sex?
"We both had our underwear on when we woke up. I think we're safe." I yawn.
"I'll be back." I go downstairs and grab some water and Advil. I remember that Marcus and Michelle went on a months holiday so I don't have to worry about them.
"Thanks." Tris says as I hand her the water and Advil. We sit for a while, in awkward silence.
"What's the time?"
"Shit!" She says and rushes to the window.
"See you at school?" I say as more of a question. She doesn't answer as she jumps into her room.
As quick as I can, with a still hell of a headache, I get ready for school and drive there. Making sure I have time before first period.
I drags myself to my locker and see the gang is already there, excluding Tris.
"Morning." I grumble.
"Man, you look like shit." Zeke states.
"Thanks." I say sarcastically. He chuckles under his breath.
"Where's Tris?" I ask, what if she doesn't show up?
"I really don't know. She was all grumpy this morning as she was rushing around." Uriah shrugs with a glare directed at me. Of course Tris told him, they're twins.
As the first bell goes, Uriah pulls me aside.
"How could you?!" He whisper yells.
"How could I what?" I play dumb.
"You know exactly what I mean! How could you sleep with my sister?!" His voice gets louder, but not loud enough for people to hear.
"Woah, I did NOT sleep with her! What did she even tell you?"
"Nothing. I was waiting for her to come home and saw you and her stumble around around your room." He explains.
"What happened after that?" I need answers!!
"You started making out and taking each other's clothes off. I did not want to see my own twin naked so I left and went to sleep."
"That doesn't mean we slept together! We woke up in our underwear!" Exasperation seeps through me.
I roll my eyes and walk away to homeroom. When walking in I see Tris in the back corner. Our eyes connect but she quickly looks away with red cheeks. Is she blushing?
"Four why are you late?" Mr Smith glares at me.
"I got caught up." I shrug.
"Well you can get caught up in detention after school." I roll my eyes. Just great.


The bell goes for jazz and I quickly rush to the room. Tanya is already smiling at the front of the room as I walk in. The gang sits in a corner so I decide to go join them. I make sure to sit as far away from Tris as possible.
"Good afternoon class!" She chirps.
"I am so happy with the results from the competition yesterday!" I just know Tris is rolling her eyes.
"I can now say Nita has earned her place and should get a round of applause." Claps sound around the room as the gang slowly claps.
"Today we will be starting Four's solo and Christina, Shauna and Lynn's trio. Let's go."
Tris walks up to Tanya and asks her something quietly. Tris then walks out, I follow quickly.
"Tris wait!" I call out but she just keeps walking.
"Tris!" I grab her wrist.
"JUST BACK OFF!" She pushes me away and runs away. What have I done? We were finally good and now she hates me.
I slide down a locker and put my head in my hands.

Hey guys!!
I would like to say a big thank you to AlyssaHosac  for the amazing book covers! They are truely beautiful and she has some real talent. Everyone go check out her account!!

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