Chapter 31

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Tris' P.O.V

Christina gently nudges me on the shoulder. She points towards a shop and smiles excitedly. I roll my eyes. Of course she wants to go into there first.

"Chris, let's do our Christmas shopping first and then  we'll go to Victoria Secret." I tell her, I really need to shop for everyone. The boys went off to shop and the girls and I are shopping together for the boys.

Christina finally accepts my offer and we head off to the a gaming shop. I'm going to get Uriah's gift from here. We all look around the store, me searching for the perfect gift. Uriah has most of the games in here so it is so hard to get a gift for him. Especially as he can be very picky.  

Before we leave my eye catches something. Just Dance 2018. Yes! We have all the other Just Dances and 2018 just came out! I also know that Mother has gotten Uriah a Nintendo Switch as it's the new 'thing'. I quickly pay for the game. I really hope he loves this gift, I always get anxious buying gifts for people. But I've always loved watching people open theirs. I was always told that's because I love giving.

"Uriah is going is to love that!" Marlene tells me, lifting my hopes.

The next store we go into is a sports store. I think I'll find a gift for Zeke in here, he loves football and he occasionally plays basketball. But he doesn't really have many basketball shorts or shirts. I walk to the men's side, going towards the basketball section. I pick out a few items of clothing and go to the counter. As I'm paying I decide to get Will a $30 gift card. I'm really surprised that I have already 3/4 presents for the boys. Now I just need to get Tobias a gift. I think this where I'm really going to struggle.

It's not that I don't know what he likes but I just want to get him the perfect gift. If it's not perfect, I will be so disappointed.

"Have you guys got any gifts for the guys yet?" I ask the girls, I haven't been paying much attention to them.

"I've gotten a gift for Zeke." Shauna replies, I think she went to a different store while we were in the gaming store.

"I got Uriah and Zeke Chicago Bears jerseys. Their old ones look like they've jumped into a pile of cow shit." Lynn comments. That is true, they really need new jerseys. They'll love it.

"I haven't bought anything." Christina and Marlene say.

We continue shopping for the boys for another hour before we decide to get Starbucks. Who knew the boys were so hard to buy for. Christina still needs to buy a gift for Tobias, as well as me. It's just so hard! Nothing I've looked at has been perfect.

Once we've got our Starbucks we start shopping again. We go into a Nike shop and have a look. I think Tobias said he needs new Nikes. Ooh! Gift idea! I look around for the perfect pair of Nikes. The perfect pair sits right in front of me. A black pair of Nike running shoes, the bottom of the shoes have a white galaxy print. Finally! I found his gift and I have the perfect idea of how to wrap these.

"Girls. I finally found Tobias a gift." I show the girls the shoes and they all agree they're great.

Soon Christina finds a gift for him too and we head to our cars, putting away all our shopping. We can't let the boys see our presents for them.

The next shop we go into is Victoria Secret, just as I promised Christina. I know exactly what I'm getting her for Christmas. As Chris, Marlene and Shauna rush around the store, Lynn and I take our time. We chat as we look around and no, no sexy lingerie for me. I buy a new perfume and a $50 gift card for Christina. She will love this!

After about ten more shops we meet up with the boys in the food court. I am starving!

"How did you guys go shopping?" We ask the boys.

"I think we all did an amazing job." Zeke speaks smugly.

"Can we eat?" I ask/whine, holding my stomach.

"How 'bout we go to the diner!" Will suggests. We all agree and start to head off. My stomach continues to grumble, sounding like a whale.

Finally, after what feels like ages, we arrive at the diner. FOOD!!!! I am starving! The smell of pies and cinnamon wafts through the air. My mouth is literally drooling. We find a booth large enough for us all and sit down, reading the menus.

We chat while reading and deciding what to eat. Everything sounds so good. I love food. More than Tobias? Mmm.... nah. I love Tobias more. "What are you thinking about?" Speak of the devil...

"How delicious everything looks." I answer Tobias' question with a little white lie.  What? I'm just making sure he doesn't get a big head!

After a little bit more of  a battle in my head I finally decide what to order. A salted caramel milkshake and chicken snitzel burger with mash potato on the side. My stomach rumbles, just thinking about it.

When the food arrives I dig in straight away. Probably looking like a pig but at this moment in time I really don't care. It tastes soo good! I'm in love with this diner and it's food.

We stay at the diner for ages, chatting and having a good time. Out of the corner of my eye I see the waitress walking over to us. As I look around the diner I realise we're the only ones here. The waitress wears her red uniform, looking amazing in it. Her makeup is professional and she wears a kind smile on her face. She defiantly doesn't look at all like all those stereotypical waitresses that are 'sluts'.

"Um accuse me but the diner is closing in 5 minutes." She tells us kindly. Now that she's up close she looks different. You can see the bags under her eyes that are peeping through her makeup that she must have been wearing all day and the way she stands tells everyone that she is exhausted. I wonder how long she has been working.

"Oh sorry. We'll get out of your hair." I say for the gang, I don't want to trouble her. Not that the gang would ever do that.

"Have a good night." The waitress, whose name tag says Sarah, waves us goodbye and flips the open sign to closed once we're out. Maybe we were in there for too long...

The gang all head their separate ways, deciding it's best not to sleep over as tomorrow we unfortunately have to go to school. School has been such a drag lately, so boring. All my helpful friends make it more enjoyable though, the gang is probably the only reason I go to school these days.

Once Tobias and I arrive to his house we say goodnight to Zeke and Uriah. It feels so weird going to another house and not sleeping under the same roof as them. Even though Uriah hasn't forgiven mother, he still stays at the house with Zeke. But Uriah is good at masking his anger. Whereas I feel, if I had to see her everyday, I would snap and I really don't want that.

Tobias and I head to bed. Just before I nod off to sleep I feel Tobias' lips on my cheek, whispering a goodnight.

Sorry for the late update! XX

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