Chapter 24

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Hey guys!

Before I start I would just like to say that in upcoming chapters there will be a couple of big time skips. This is because Tris' life really won't be as interesting and fun to read as her ankle is terribly injured and she really can't do that much!

Thank you and I hope you enjoy this chapter! XO

Tris' P.O.V

People dance around the stage, making it look effortless. The music plays a beat, making the whole crowd stand up and dance themselves. The energy has been drained out of me, like every day. I wish I was up there but instead I am sitting in the crowd, watching as everyone else has fun.

The girls are next on stage. They call out their names and I give them a cheer. I really hope we win this competition, it would mean a lot to the whole team. Today they are competing in three different areas of dance; jazz, hip hop and lyrical. I put in that complaint about Ms Mathew's class and she has started to change the lessons a bit. It's sounds pretty petty but oh well.

Along with group dances a couple of people got solos and there is one duet. I'm actually really excited to watch every routine. The routine they are on stage for now is a lyrical routine, Ms Abby split the girls and guys up but only the girls are competing.

The Girl's Routine ⬇️⬇️

The audience gives a standing ovation. I really think they are going to win this one. Unfortunately The Stepping Devils are here as well - god I hate their name - they are only doing one routine though and one solo. They have already done their group dance and I  defiantly know why there are not more routines. To be honest, their routine was awful! All of their timing was off and some of their feet, it gives me shivers even thinking of it. It actually makes me laugh, they think they are so good and way better than us but in reality they won't even place in the top 10.

I hop out to the team's dressing room, saying quick hellos to people I know. Our dressing room is full with students and the gang sit up in the back corner, away from everyone else. It's sweet how they already have a seat ready for me, right next to Tobias. I say my hellos and congratulations, telling the girls how amazing they were.

"We've only got 30 minutes to get changed, re do some makeup and change our hair. Can you please help us." Shauna pleads, looking panicked. "Of course!" I reply and everyone gets straight to work. Tobias gives me a kiss before going to change. I hate when competitions schedule your routines really close together. Do they even know how stressful that is?

I first start doing Marlene's hair while Christina does her makeup. I take it out of a bun and start braiding it as fast as I can while still keeping it neat. We keep doing this until all the girls (in the gang) have their hair and makeup done. I then help Tobias finish getting ready, combing and hair spraying his hair. He looks so cute.

They thank me for the help as they start walking back stage. Their next routine is the group hip hop. I've seen them do this dance quite a lot and I know it will be awesome. I sit back in the audience and try to get comfortable before they go on. Suddenly people from TSD start filling up the seats next to me. Great.

Jeanine and Eric sit next to me, Eric puts his arm around my shoulders and I quickly shrug it off. "Do you want something?" I roll my eyes, I really do not have the patience to deal with their shit.

"We're really sorry about your ankle." Jeanine says with the fakest sincere voice ever. Before I can make a sarcastic remark back Divergent Academy's number is called and their routine starts.

Hip Hop Routine

A scream escapes my mouth as the music finishes. My ankle has been knocked roughly to the side by Jeanine. People's eyes are all on me and Tobias jumps off the stage, racing towards me. The rest of the team exit the stage normally and come to surround me. But TSD members are no where to be found.

I just knew something bad would happen when they sat next to me. Why must they be such dicks? Anger rushes through me and it's only then that I realise a couple of tears are rolling down my face. I quickly wipe them away.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Tobias seems panicked but I reassure him I'm fine. I explain what happened and he clenches his jaw. I tell the rest of our team to go get ready for the next performance.

"Tobias, baby, it's fine. I'm use to the pain." I let the last sentence slip and I see his eyes sadden. I didn't mean to make him sad, I wrap my arms around him and he does the same.


The whole gang sits in my room, Tobias on my bed with me. Today went really well, except for that one incident. We won nearly every routine, the solo coming third. For the rest of the day we never ran into TSD again, which I was glad about. I don't need anymore of their bullshit.

To finish off the day, the gang decided to stay the night. Their company makes me feel so much better and I really couldn't ask for better friends. The girls and I let the boys choose the movie and I am seriously regretting it. I sit nervously while we wait for the pizza to arrive.

I've never told anyone this (except Uri) because I really don't like discussing my fears. But I am terrified of clowns, always have been and I don't see me getting over the fear any time soon. I really wish I would of told the gang about this fear because the boys choose to watch IT. Wait, Uriah is afraid of clowns too. Why the hell did he let them choose this movie? Probably to look 'manly'.

Uriah? I talk though our mind link.

Yeah?  He seem very nervous, just as I am.

Why the hell did you let the boys choose IT?!

Uhhhh... I have no idea!! To be honest, I'm shitting my pants right now.

I roll my eyes and give him a death glare. I decide to try and change the boys minds.

"Tobias." I whisper, "I'm terrified of clowns." His eyes widen and he starts to try convince the boys for another movie.

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