Chapter 15

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Tris' P.O.V

My head pounds as I run. Run away from my problems. It seems like that's all I do these days. I'm just so confused, about everything. What happened last night? What are these feelings? Why is it, that every time I'm around Tobias, I get these butterflies in my stomach and feel all nervous? This all sounds so cliche! I even keep pushing him away. Just like I did now. Tears cloud my eyes. I have no idea on where I'm running. My head spins and suddenly I'm on the floor. I go numb. I feel nothing. My eyes feel heavy and then all is black.

In front of me is my house. It seems so quiet, maybe... too quiet. I head inside and see a much younger version of Zeke. He's crying. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. My feet bring me towards him, I shake him but he doesn't even move. He doesn't even notice me. A large bang comes from the kitchen and then a cry or scream. I run and what I see horrifies me. My mother lays on the floor with black and blue bruises marking her skin. Standing above her is a man I do not recognise. His eyes tell me his evil. Did he hurt my mother? The man lifts his leg like his about to strike again but my mother yells in agony.
"Stop! Please! Stop!" She screams, "I'm pregnant! Please, just don't hurt them."
"Them?" The man questions with his teeth clenched.
"I'm pregnant with twins. Please don't kick me." She pleads while breathing heavily.
Pregnant with twins? What is this?!
"You better be telling the truth or there'll be punishments." He seethes. "I want proof."
The man leaves the room, leaving my mother lying on the kitchen floor. I try and run to her but my feet are somehow glued to the floor. Leaving me there helpless.

A scream bubbles up my throat as I quickly sit up. Panic rushes through me as I realise I'm not where I was last.
"Tris. Tris. Calm down." Zeke's voice calms me down.
"Where am I?" I croak.
"You're in Uriah's bedroom. I couldn't keep going in between rooms so I brought you to one." I look around and see Uriah next to me with wide eyes.
"What happened?" Uriah asks.
"We actually don't know. We think you fainted again like last time. We don't think it's normal so I've booked both of you into the doctors."
"You keep saying we, why?" My question is answered as Tobias walks through the door. Great. Just what I needed. He hands us glasses of water which I sip slowly.
"Who found me?" I ask. Zeke nods his head towards Tobias. Figures. I start to get out of bed but Zeke stops me.
"Just relax. Let's play some video games." I quickly agree and let them set up the Play Station. We decide to play GTA 8. Why do they make it so easy for me?

My eyes travel every now and then towards Tobias. Even though I'm pushing him away, that doesn't mean I can't admire what is beautiful in this world. Why do I feel this way? I'm not stupid, I know I have this huge crush on him. But why can't I allow him to knock down these high built walls? What's holding me back? I would usually be dancing at this point in time but Zeke is not letting me get out of bed. It's weird. All I can remember is pushing Tobias away and then running. I have no memory of what happened in between that and waking up on Uriah's bed. Maybe I should just google it.... great idea! Then Dr Google can tell me I have a life threatening disease.

Soon the boys have given up on trying to beat me. A yawn escapes my lips and Zeke notices. Before I can oppose, he's taking me to my bed and tucking me in. Sometimes he reminds me of dad when he does this. As my eyes slowly close he kisses my forehead and whispers goodnight. Just like dad did. In these times, when something reminds me of him, it's when I miss him the most. All the sweet little things he did.
Once when Uri and I were seven, Zeke was nine, dad took us to Disneyland. It was one of the most fun days I ever had with him, I'll never forget it. Me being the mischievous seven year old I was, ran off. Of course I didn't get far, dad was fast! But I did get to see Goofy, which was all I wanted to do.
So after that incident, I was held on dads hip for the rest of the day. Dad bought us all hats and ice creams, I still have that hat.
I'll never forget that day. Once we got home, it was late and we were all sleepy. I refused to sleep by myself so I slept with Uri. Dad tucked us in and kissed our foreheads, whispering goodnight.
Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever forget. I'm afraid to forget. Forgetting is like him dying all over again. The memories I hold close to me are one of the most special things in this world. The memories make it easier.... the memories make me forget that he's gone and then I can pretend it's dad kissing me goodnight again, instead of Zeke.
I dream of him as I sleep. The memories replaying in my mind. It makes me happy to see his smile again. His smile was probably one of the most beautiful things in the world. If he smiled, you would too. As cliché as it sounds, his smile made the world brighter.
When dad died it felt as though some of the world's light disappeared. As stupid as it sounds.
I tuck the memories away, just for tonight. My mind settles as I finally fall into a deep sleep with no dreams. Just darkness.

Short chapter, I know. I'm sorry but I will be updating shortly.
Tris misses her dad so much, it's quite beautiful how she saw him. What are these scenes that keep playing when she faints? Why can't she remember them?

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