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It was Friday night and Stefan told you a day in advance to get ready for a night out and you were currently waiting for him to pick you up. After an hour of waiting for Stefan you were getting concerned so you decided to call him and after three rings he finally picked up but you were taken by surprise when you heard Elena voice instead off your boyfriends. "Hey Elena what you doing at Stefans ?" You asked trying not to let your anger out. "Oh um I just dropped by he's talking to Damon right now do you want me to get him or leave a message ?" She replied sounding a little worried she might say the wrong thing. "No , no it's fine I'll come by in five thanks Elena." As soon as you thanked her you hung up and jumped in your car not bothering to change just to see the look on his face when he remembers what he stood up on.

You knocked on the door awaiting for Damon or Elena to answer and as you thought Damon answered with his face in pure entertainment when he saw your dress and called in his little brother. Stefan was walking down the stairs when he saw you and instantly cursed to himself. "Y/N I'm so sorry let me make this up to you ! Let me get dressed and we can go right now just give me a second." He fumbled. "No Stefan , no agh I hate to do this." You started to tear up stepping away from him slowly. "What ? What are you doing ?" He asked his voice started shaking stepping closer and closer to you but each step he took to you ,you stepped away. "Stefan W-were done." You were now almost crying your eyes out just thinking those words and when it finally left your mouth you were broken. "W- what do you mean we're done ? Like this date is done I don't understand Y/N ?" Tears were now developing in his eyes. "I mean we are done Stefan! I mean how many times have you blown off our dates either because you forgot or you had to save Elena again. Stefan I've tried and apparently it's too much for you." "Y/N please I love you please!" " I'm sorry Stefan it's over."

Hey girlies or boys no ones judging ❤️ I know this one was long but tell me of you like it and yea I hoped you enjoyed stay strong my little angles 💗

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Hey girlies or boys no ones judging ❤️ I know this one was long but tell me of you like it and yea I hoped you enjoyed stay strong my little angles 💗

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