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"Throwing stones at my window isn't going to do anything Jer." You giggled as you carried on walking through the halls. "Oh so you did hear me!" Jeremy stated in disbelief. "You do know I was outside your house for a good hour... maybe even more and you didn't answer?" He questioned grabbing a hold of your waist and turning you towards him.

"Well in my defence if you were out there for as long as you said I only caught ten minutes of it. It was around midnight after all, a girl needs to sleep babe." You shrugged.
You and Jeremy had a petty argument yesterday afternoon and with the help of you're stubborn attitude you were not going to give in, or at least make him wait a little. "Well I just wanted to let you know that I'm really sorry Y/N and I know I made something big out of nothing... so will you please come to back to mine after school and sort this out, and I'll make you tea and popcorn after, yea ?"
You felt a little bad cause you've already mentally forgiven him but you just wanted to stretch things out just until tonight when you'll go and apologise to him. "Ask me tomorrow." You replied with a kiss on his cheek. Walking away you heard a grunt escape from him, frustration? yes.

11:30 pm and here you are throwing rocks on Jeremy's window, ironic isn't it. You decided that the hiatus has gone long enough and you missed talking to you're boy. After what felt like hours Jeremy finally opened his window and looked at you smiling. "Well ,well, well... what do we have here?" Jeremy asked head in hand leaning on his window ledge. "I'm sorry for being stubborn, I miss you and you're cups of tea." You smiled widely hoping he'll forgive you. "So you're just using me for tea huh ?" He asked you. "Oh my goodness of course not , if anything you use me to do you're homework, isn't that right big guy?" "Ok, ok one cup of tea and a bag of popcorn coming up." And within the next minute Jeremy was opening the door for you to come in but not without a " I love you."

Thank you for 80k reads!!!! What the actual heck ?!?! I'm so blessed and so grateful to everyone that viewed this book. It's truly been one hell of a ride and I feel so lucky to have found this platform to be who I wanted to be. Love you all and thank you again. Stay strong angels xo

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