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You are one of Elenas best friends so of course you would be apart of the Scooby-Doo gang, and recently a certain group of original vampires have reached town and a certain dark haired ,suit wearing man has caught your eye. After weeks of arguing with yourself if you liked the noble Elijah you finally admitted it to yourself and your best friend Bonnie Bennett and since then she has made it her mission to get the two of you together because to her at least you didn't fall for Damon or Klaus. Little did the you and Bonnie know that Elijah had started to take a liking in you too and he was figuring out a way to show you.

Later on during the day you ,Bonnie and Care were hanging out at the grill discussing the current situation of Klaus when none other than the charming brother himself Elijah walked up to your table. "Ladies how has your day been so far ?" Elijah asked in a calm warm tone. "Well your brother has made it kinda crappy but other than that not that bad thanks." Caroline replied almost instantly smiling at him with frustration on her eyes."Well I'm terribly sorry for his doings but I was hoping I could talk to Y/N on her own out side for a little if your ladies don't mind ?" " No , No , no go ahead actually Care and I are going back to Elenas to check up on her so after your talk you can just drop her off at hers! Ok cool we gotta go have fun!" And with that little outburst Bonnie and Caroline were out of sight leaving you and Elijah alone. "Hi Elijah ... soo what you wanna talk about ?" You ask nervously hoping he doesn't hear your heart beating too fast. "Well Y/N I was wondering if maybe after you , I mean I don't know maybe later on we could , um you know-" " Yes Elijah I would love to you know" you giggled at his smile of embarrassment. "Well ok I'll take you home and let you get ready , I'll pick you up at eight if that's alright with you ?" He asked sheepishly. "It's perfect thank you." You smiled to yourself. As you entered your house you instantly Bonnie, Care and Elena to tell them what just happened and to come help you get ready because you were to excited to think about how to dress. But little did you know that outside your door Elijah was hearing your excitement and wanted to make tonight perfect to see the smile on your face like the one you brought to him.

 But little did you know that outside your door Elijah was hearing your excitement and wanted to make tonight perfect to see the smile on your face like the one you brought to him

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