Jeremy p.2

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It was a few days later and you had decided that it was time to start heading home, so you packed your things and decided to go to the river for your last day, but all that changed when you got a surprise visitor from a boy you thought you would avoid from here on out, Jeremy Gilbert.

It was around 1 pm and you were walking to the river with a group of your friends when you heard someone shout your name. "Hey Y/N wait up!" You turned around and saw Jeremy running up to you dodging people walking to the river. You hadn't seen him since he left but you sure did here about him and the trouble he caused with some of his friends.

Although you heard him shout and saw him running you tried to ignore him and kept walking hoping that he would get the hint.
"Y/N please stop!" He shouted again this time he had a grip on your arm.

"What do you want Jer?" You snapped and pulled your arm from his grip. "I want you Y/N ! God damn it, I'm sorry I left but you have to understand I had some important things to do." He pleaded. " I understand and that's your business Jer so please there no need to explain and plus after you left I heard all about your friends like Damon and Stefan Salvatore." "What do you mean you heard about Damon and Stefan ?" He asked confused. "Jer it's not a secret they do bad things to good people and not that it matters but what would they say about you hanging out with me anyways?" You replied.

"They don't need to know about us y/n and how we feel." Jeremy exclaimed. "Oh so it's us now?" You laughed walking away and shaking your head. "Yes it's us Y/N since I first saw you I knew I love you and this summer just proved it."

You stopped. "Are you in love Jer ? Cause I don't know if the kind of love you are talking about is the kind that suddenly leaves without notice and then when they feel like it they can come back and expecting nothing to change."

"Y/N I am truly sorry and I want to make it up to you and if that means telling the world your mine I'll do it, I don't want any other guys coming up to you and trying to get your attention because I want to call you my girl. I want everyone to know that If they knew anything about us they would be jealous about what we have." He reached out holding your hand.

"We shouldn't be together." You whispered. Playing with his fingers.

"I think about you every day and i regret ending things the way I did. We could truly be more. So what do you say Y/N, wanna try and make this work ?" He smiled waiting for your answer.

"We can always try." You smiled looking to the floor.

Hey angels , the long awaited part 2 is here!! I'm sorry if it's not up to par or any bit confusing, I Love you all and stay strong xo

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