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"Elijah loves you Y/N I know it, damn it everyone knows it." Rebekah has being trying to get through to you for the past 20 mins but you were having none of it." Then why did he leave me like this Rebekah? We've been through so much and then all of a sudden he's gone with only a note left to Klaus saying he has business to do... what does that even mean?" You questioned. You were currently pacing around Elijah's empty room running your hands through your hair in frustration. "I don't know love but whatever it is he'll come back and I know he will explain everything once he returns, he always does." She replied hugging you. Rebekah wasn't much for hugs but you and Elijah have been together for so long you were practically family. In that moment of embrace you heard a door slam downstairs. Instantly thinking Elijah was back you ran downstairs only to be met by an unfamiliar face. "Ello shortcake miss me?" The man smiled opening his arms wide preparing for a hug.

There was only one person who called you that and it's cause you were almost the same height, him being taller by only two inches.


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