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"She's not mine anymore." Kol whispered to Davina anger and sadness trailing on his words. "Well... sometimes things happen for a reason and it opens up other doors and other opportunities." She smiles walking closer to him reaching out an arm.

A few hours earlier

You loved New Orleans it was and has been your home since you moved here 3 years ago, but when family calls in a state of emergency you waste no time go.

Kol needed you, he needed you here at home but you were leaving. "Kol I have to go!" You shouted packing your bags and getting ready to leave. "Y/N is it even that bad that you have to leave? I need you here ! My family is in trouble right now and I need my girlfriend here to support me." He shouted back. "Well my family are in trouble too and I've been here with you, supporting you since I've met you! Can you not see that? I need you and if you can't be her for me the one time I need it why are we here in the first place?" By this point you stopped packing and looked into Kol's eyes searching for the fight in his eyes. But nothing, and that's when you left.

It's been a month since you have left and you missed Kol every day you were gone but you knew when he didn't fight for you it was over. Once you arrived back home in the late hours of the night you went straight to the bar to meet up with cami. As you were waiting for Cami to arrive a random man obviously intoxicated came up to you and started grabbing your thigh while trying to move closer towards you, you instantly panicked and was about to get up when he was hit on top of the head with something knocking him out on the floor. "And if anyone ever tries to touch my girl again, you don't want to know what will happen to you!" You were so scared you had instantly closed your eyes but you could recall that voice anywhere. "Kol..."

I haven't posted in ages, I know and I'm so sorry I love you all xx stay strong angels ❤️

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I haven't posted in ages, I know and I'm so sorry I love you all xx stay strong angels ❤️

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