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"Gimme, gimme a man after midnight!" The words of abba burst through the speakers of one of the many clubs in New Orleans, with everyone singing along and dancing the night was in full swing.

"Take me through the darkness to the break of the day!" You scream singing to your friend while dancing with your hands in the air. This was your song and from all away across the bar even Klaus could see that. Considering it was almost after midnight he thought it was appropriate considering the song for him to try and make a move on you, oh what am I kidding he didn't need to try anything he is Klaus Mikaelson after all.

Klaus started walking up to you a smirk forming in his face. "Hello sweetheart, you mind if I join you?" He asked smoothly twirling you into him, you just laughed. You have heard about Klaus and how he's the 'king' of the city manly because you grew up with witches but at this exact moment you were kinds shocked and very surprised at the fact that he took an interest in you, which made this circumstance a whole lotta fun.

Instead of answering Klaus directly you sang along to the lyrics which answered for you. "Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight
Won't somebody help me
Chase the shadows away." Being a tease you danced with him for a bit then started slowly dancing away which left a bit of a gap in between the two of you.

"  Being a tease you danced with him for a bit then started slowly dancing away which left a bit of a gap in between the two of you

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Klaus just laughed, " oh but the shadows are so fun." And with a smile Klaus was about to motion to go somewhere else until one of your friends ( a witch ) noticed who you were dancing with and pulled you aside without the hybrid noticing since his attention was blurred by someone walking through the two of you. Once noticing your disappearance it only left him wanting more.

Lordy I haven't posted in ages. I hope you like it, I haven't written in months but I love ABBA and when I was listening to them I got major inspiration so thanks ABBA x
stay strong angels xo

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