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This is a request from @klaudiaklaus
Time set in the 11th century

"Kol this is really sweet of you but I can't except these flowers." You smiled sweetly at one of your best friends kol who gave you flowers and offered you a walk around the village, but little did he know at the corner of your eye your glance was on his older brother Elijah who you had fancied since you first met.

Elijah was currently picking up some fire wood for the annual bonfire tonight and you knew that's when you were going to tell him about your feelings. Your family and the Mikaelsons have been close ever since you were little but you would always go on trips with your father when he needed to go trading for the farm. Your longing need for adventure and to see the world was just one of the things you and Elijah found intriguing.

The night of the Bonfire arrived and to say your heart was burning with anxiety like the flames of the bonfire was an understatement. You were dancing around the fire when someone grabbed your hand and pulled you to the side. To much relief it was the man of your dreams , Elijah Mikaelson .

"Klaudia I'm terribly sorry to steal you away from your dancing but I had to talk to you." He smiled grabbing your hands. "It's perfectly ok Elijah, I needed to talk to you anyway." You smiled back up at Elijah. Before you could get out another word your mothers best friend Esther walked up to you and offered you both a glass of wine which you and Elijah accepted willingly then everything went black and a pain that came after that first sip of wine is a pain that will haunt you forever.

"Klaudia , Klaudia please I need you to drink this!" Slowly you opened your eyes to faintly see the outline of your fathers best friend Mikael but all while trying to figure out what was happening Mikael was feeding you a substance of some kind that had a metallic tang to it. "I am so sorry Klaudia, I will see you soon." And with that once again you were sent into an abyss of darkness.

Adjusting your eyes to the scenery around you was difficult at first but all of your senses quickly cleared up. "Elijah." You mumbled out. "Klaudia, oh my sweet Klaudia. I am here, I am with you." After a split second you had Elijahs arms around you slowly rocking you back and forth. "Wha-t, what happened to me Elijah? I'm scared." You sobbed clinging onto him. "I'm afraid I can not explain what is happening right now but I promise you everything will be alright. I will take care of you and I will love you until I am no longer standing." He whispered into your ear still holding onto you like he could loose you at any second. " I love you too Elijah." You replied back.

Hey loves I'm so sorry I've been so inactive. I am starting to get back into writing again!! Everything around me has just been up and down lately but I will try my best to upload frequently xoxox I love you all and thank you so much for reading , stay strong Angels ❤❤

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