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You and Elijah have been dating for around 5 to 6 months now and recently someone broke into your home and ripped it apart and tried to hurt you to get revenge on Elijah for something no one knows of. Because of that you have been staying with Elijah and the rest of the mickealsons for about 2 weeks and to repay your debt to them you decided to make breakfast for everyone even though they don't usually each human food it was the best you could do. You woke up around 6 am to start making pancakes,eggs, bacon and home squashed orange juice. Since you had just woke up you still had an old shirt of Elijahs on that just covered your booty and had messy hair from the night before ( just from sleeping your dirty minded people hahaha ).

You were finishing off on the bacon when you heard someone enter the kitchen and greet you good morning.

You turned around with a blush on your face looking at Elijah with a smile, "Good morning babe I made your family breakfast even though you guys don't eat breakfast it was the only thing I could think of to help around here besides you know tidy u...

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You turned around with a blush on your face looking at Elijah with a smile, "Good morning babe I made your family breakfast even though you guys don't eat breakfast it was the only thing I could think of to help around here besides you know tidy up the house when needed." You smiled at him. "Baby girl you know you don't have to do anything around here we love -I love and care for you and that's all that matters, you don't need to cook us breakfast or even help around the house you being here is enough." For And with that Elijah pulled you and a hug and was just about to start kissing you when the rest of the family woke up and barged in the kitchen. "Oh good morning brother, and Y/N what a lovely morning it is and thank you Y/N for the breakfast." Kol smirked and kissed you on your cheek. "Yes indeed thanks Y/N." Klaus and rebbeka smiled at you. "No problem guys it's the least I can do, honestly."  You replied with a smiled plastered on your face. And with that you all surprisingly sat down and the breakfast table and eat together without someone wanting to murder the other.

A/N I know I haven't updated in ages but school is a thing ahaha any way I'll try to unpdate as soon as possible but thank you guys again for all the reads and for 210 followers love you guys heaps and stay strong angels 💗😇

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