Damon p.2

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The urging sensation for blood is getting stronger and stronger. You can smell the blood and that's what wakes you up. Confused and in pain you try and recall where you are, you've been slipping in and out of consciousness for lord only knows how long and it felt like hell which was currently a place you did not want to be near, considering this was what you guessed to be the next best thing.
The sensation of blood started getting stronger and stronger, the urge to have a taste getting so strong you find the will power out of nowhere to groan hoping that will help you gain strength to move closer to the stench. Along with the odour you smelt something familiar or maybe someone.

"Katherine?" The voice called out. It's him. You'd know that voice anywhere but how? He was human, he didn't know about vampires or witches or anything along those lines. How did he survive all these years? You questioned yourself rather quickly but obviously came to the conclusion that it was probably Katherine, she most likely turned him at some point and maybe even Stefan too, who knows at this point you just had that glimmer of hope that it was him.

The other vampires around you had smelt the blood scent too and also started groaning for that one taste but you decided that would be no use doing the same since it'll just sound like the others so with all your remaining energy you called out his name as loud as you could to get his attention. "Damon..." you trailed off too weak to try again but that was all he needed. He heard you, although thinking you were Katherine and not Y/N he ran to your section of the tomb and called out her name again. You called out his name once more and in almost a second you heard a gasp following a warm and refreshing feeling taking over you, Blood. Once the smallest bit of blooded entered your system you instantly reached out and grabbed whatever was providing it and drank till you became healthy enough to be sustained.

As you were finishing you heard a soft and warm voice say your name so beautifully it was truly music to your ears. "Y/N ?" He questioned and said with disbelief. "I- I I can't believe it's really you..." he trailed off obviously trying to take this all in. "I never thought I'd see you again but I know I'm never going to leave you. Never again." Opening your eyes you finally looked up to be faced with the beautiful deep blue eyes of the one and only, Damon Salvatore.

Wow this is longer than I expected but I hope you guys like it and it's up to standard haha . Love you guys lots and stay strong angels xo

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