History Repeats

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"I got dat boi," Connie stated.

"Ha! I got the kazoo kid," Eren boasted. "Hey Mikasa!" Eren called out as she walked up to them. "Wanna take a quiz that tells you what 2016 meme you are?"

"Don't you also take online quizzes to figure out your sexuality?" Mikasa asked.

"No!" Eren nearly shouted. "That's what Jean does!"

~ meanwhile ~

"100% Flaming Homo with Chili Sauce in a lava pit?" Jean said to himself as he analyzed the results. "That can't be right." He proceeded to take another quiz.


"Sounds like something he'd do," Connie laughed.

"Hey do you want to take this quiz to see if we're dragons?" Eren asked.

"HECK yeah!" Connie exclaimed.

"See you later, Mikasa," they said before Mikasa even started to walk away. She quietly nodded, then turned around to leave.

A couple seconds later, Armin ran up to them, all out of breath. "Hey.... have you guys.... MAN, I can't run... HAVE you guys seen Mikasa?" He heaved.

"You just missed her," Eren said.

"Did you tell her happy birthday?" Armin asked.

Eren just continued to stare into the nothingness that was in front of him. Everything was silent for a moment.

"Her birthday is February tenth," Eren stated.

"Yup," Armin said.

"So today isn't February fifth," Eren continued.

"I understand thinking today was the ninth or something but I have no idea  how you thought it was the fifth," Armin said.

Immediately, Eren jumped up and started to bolt down the hallways, yelling profanity repeatedly.

~shortly after~

"OKAY, what do we need to go to give Mikasa the perfect last minute birthday?" Eren asked.

"I don't know, but why did we have to convene in a dark, sketchy janitor's closet with a long table in the middle and a line lamp dangling from the ceiling?" Jean asked.

"Shut up, Jean," Eren retaliated.

"We can give her a make up thing," Connie suggested. "Girls love that stuff right?"

"I think the only thing she wears is Channel Lip Balm," Eren said and she's got enough of that stuff.

"Wait really?" Christa asked. "She looks that fabulous with only lip balm?"

"I bet you don't wear any make-up Christa," Ymir said as she wrapped her arm around Christa. "You're PERFECT as is."

Christa's eye visibly twitched. "I wear a shit-ton of makeup so it lOOKS LIKE I DONT WEAR MAKEUP, you useless lesbian."

Ymir made finger guns at Christa. "Well, ya got me there."

Suddenly the door was swung open as Hanji stepped into the closet while grabbing Nile by his wrist. "No my interrogation room was taken!"

"Good," Levi said as he stepped in.

"Why are you all here?" Hanji asked.

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